House of El

Just between "The Vampire Diaries" and this, I can never remember what vampiric hypnotizing is called.

I need my fingers (and toes) in order to count. (And—depending on whether it's cold out, shrinkage and whatnot, the honorary 21st digit is sometimes more present than others.)

Also apparently fucking Lourdes got an offscreen promotion to full-on doctor.

Sprained (?) ankle rather than broken leg, from what I could gather.

Moss on the north side of a tree trunk: It's like the show thinks this is our first time watching TV. I imagine people were calling out those lines before the actor had a chance to. "Falling Skies" made us clairvoyant, guys! Maybe we're half-alien hybrids, gulp. Better R-U-N-N-O-F-T.

Cut-Throat Bitch slinks around in a red dress and with a bad dye job, whispering into Grubby Baltar's ear. "Tink-tink" score by Bear McCreary.

I can only count to 20 or, sometimes, 21.

I really don't know why shows bother with these exposition scenes. What is the fear? That we'll get lost and switch the channel? When I don't know what's going on, I pay more attention, not less.

If they could find a way for him to become a Medicine Woman…

I laughed too. I briefly considered whether there was any meaning to it, like the fact that Dexter was actually feeling empathy in that he felt what she was feeling, etc., but I don't think that's really empathy.

I really thought she would end up watching Dexter's kid at Quinn's. Like, Dexter asks Quinn to watch Harrison, not knowing Jamie is there. (And I did think it was for commenters' sake.)

We haven't seen him (that we know of). From comments here, I gather that she will use Dexter's knowledge to catch the Melon Baller.

If her first name means "Melon Baller," this season might be even more telegraphed than the last one season six.

Just like Eddie Jimmy, "Happy Endings" is dead! *sniff*

The *one* advantage is that it spares *us* from having to observe everyone grieving over LaGuerta—and yet we still got that!! That bench took six months to set up?

(It was more an invitation to list what you think of as his predominant traits. But I hope you felt cool doing the single-syllable response.)

"You will be different. Sometimes, you will feel like an outcast, but you will never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son."

Is Hal Holbrook that specific a persona that one can channel him and be recognizable as such?

Was her hair always that big? I couldn't stop looking at it.

"the Dark Shadows nightgown"
Such an awesome phrase.