House of El

I couldn't understand why she said No so quickly and so resolutely. It became clear that the reason was that the show wanted to tie in Bill's story with the subplot involving Andy's kids—rather than a real character-driven reason. (As you indicate, she might have acquiesced just out of fear or pragmatism: "Beware,

That getup will garter much praise.

Andy calling Bill "Vampire Bill" twice cracked me up. It feels like I haven't heard the phrase in a while, like Andy and Bill don't run in the same circles—which fits with Bill not knowing about Andy's kids.

I would think they would let it run for a long time (even if that's not the HBO way, but rather the Showtime way), since it seems to "subsidize" all the other (higher-quality, less-watched) HBO shows.

It was weird that the (young) king from "13th Warrior" got hired for "Vikings" (excellent!) only to be killed off rather perfunctorily.

Buliwyf: Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see…
Herger the Joyous: My mother, and my sisters, and my brothers.
Buliwyf: Lo, there do I see…
Herger the Joyous: The line of my people…
Edgtho the Silent: Back to the beginning.
Weath the Musician: Lo, they do call to me.
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: They bid me take my place

So is it one original movie every year, even on those years that also have a sequel?
And a sequel every two years, so that alternate years will have two Pixar movies (one sequel, one non-)?

Anthony Hopkins writing on that chalkboard is the thing that has stuck in my mind.

This is so awesome.

Mohican Annual.

Stressed desserts

Get up, now!

Also science doesn't know yet *which* years it takes off.

It's not a pooper!

I want some lamentations!

There are only two types of people in the world: those who binary and those who buy a lot.

You just plant that thing anywhere, don't you.

"Last of the Mohicans" is like regular old Marvel comics. This will be "Ultimate Mohican"!

I know what you mean. The persistence of the suspense is baffling.

OH MY GOD. Dare I say, your best one yet.