
Well, I consider that to be more a case of having a baseball team full of guys that can't get on base to save their lives.  The batters on the other teams are all batting .350 and you have two guys who bat .125 and a bunch of guys who literally can't get on base.  So you keep the two .125 guys and hope like hell you

If it's acknowledged that Mulaney's show would appeal to the same fanbase as NBC's current failing niche shows, why are we so surprised/outraged that they didn't pick it up?

@DoctorChimRichalds You may be right, I can only base my opinion on what I've heard of them, and that's admittedly very little.

I don't have issues with women specifically, as I do this math with almost anyone on podcasts, although I realize my post here could be taken that way.

I've never seen Community either, but I find her podcast appearances kinda grating (I think I've only heard her on CBB, though).  If I didn't know she was famous for being attractive, it'd probably be different, but I feel like I can hear her mind working during podcasts: "Now my next sentence will casually have 2

Potentially unpopular opinion alert: I find the hot chick episodes of WTF unlistenable.  I don't know if it's Marc or my own subconscious distaste for attractive people, but I loathe those episodes.

I'd probably enjoy The 40 Year Old Boy if the snorting, shrieking laughter of the producer didn't render it totally unlistenable.  That'll sound rude, but I don't mean it that way: I'm sure Lili's a very sweet person, but… Jesus Christ, I can't listen to it.  It utterly destroys any intimacy that one would want to

If the embracing of one form of really stupid and trashy behavior is refreshing, why not extend it to other forms of behavior? 

Agreed.  When you look at it that way, I guess it's also kind of refreshing to hear white-supremacists performing music that embraces what life is like for a hell of a lot of white folks who irrationally hate other races.

This is, unquestionably, one of the worst films of the year.

This is, unquestionably, one of the worst films of the year.

Except those folks you mentioned by and large made movies for adults and Apatow has found the manchild groove that's one step above Sandler.  Making popular bland movies in an era where so many movies are terrible doesn't make you a comedic legend.

Except those folks you mentioned by and large made movies for adults and Apatow has found the manchild groove that's one step above Sandler.  Making popular bland movies in an era where so many movies are terrible doesn't make you a comedic legend.

More like Dudd Apatow, am I right?

More like Dudd Apatow, am I right?

"Yes… 'sparta me's dead inside."

"Yes… 'sparta me's dead inside."

Reviews like these weaken the core of critical integrity.

Reviews like these weaken the core of critical integrity.

Could they not squeeze a decent-sized story in between the end of the prequels and the old ones?  Darth Vader in his prime?  I'd be kinda into that a lot.