Master Dialectitian

Yeah, Married… can seem crappy in hind sight, but that's because it as like three different shows over the course of it's run. The early seasons it was really a class-conflict sitcom, and it was pretty great seeing Al and Peg get to know Marcy and Steve. It gave equal crap to the yuppies and the Bundies, and it was

To bad you can't. No Get a Life DVD set, ever, according to things i've read.

I have a double crush on Thursday night, Annie and April from P & R. It's a nice spectrum of my weaknesses, mentally unstable and impeccably cute overachiever on one side and completely apathetic undeachiever on the other side. I love them both.

"Credible alien hand movements" made me laugh my ass off.

to Big Whoop:

's funny
On the front of my early 90s copy of The Bradleys collection, there is a quote from Matt Groening, and on the back it has other quotes that call it "The SImpsons on acid" and "like the cast of Married with CHildren going at each other with machine guns and hacksaws"

I wear glasses and was drunk during Coraline, but the 3D glasses over my own worked fine. Haven't tried any other flicks in 3D yet though.

And other 3D seems fairly unnecessary, although i would have liked to see 9 in 3D. Would have liked to see Cabin sooner than laer, and converting a movie to 3D after the fact seems retarded.

Coraline was the bees' nutz in 3D, i was drunk and i still didn't get a headache or have any other problems. I was so pissed when i got it on DVD and realised the 3D had been switched to the crappy red and blue glasses 3D. In theatres the glasses were clear, and it didn't screw up the color or anything. The depth it

Obviously most of the best games in a series are sequels (pretty much all my favorite games ever), but there is usually a drop off point where they get worse, losing track of what made the series good or just getting tired and old.
Most games i can remember seem to get crappy around 3 or 4, with exceptions of course

I thought the reason they didn't make more Frisky was because Adam Reed left, not the other way round. Hmmm, i wonder which it was.

I would love to read your novel Elegant Victorian Lady, but surely it must upset your humours to write about such scalliwaggery.

I called it! (Tom)
Last week i posed about Tom being just as or more pathetic than creepy, and how i was sure he had never cheated on his wife. This week it was not only confirmed, but even worse introduced the possibility that he might not even get to have sex with his wife.
It seems to me that all Tom's creepy and

If they are atheists why wuld they think they are going to hell? That's hilariously retarded. "I don't believe in any religion or worship any deity, but i think when i die i am going to Christian Hell, which i do not believe in."

Comedy Central has been steadily producing less and less good series for like a decade, and when they do get a good one it lasts one season.

ugh, intangible fancy, i hated seing Mr. SHow on Comedy Central. Chopping the show up for commercials and censors absolutely butchered the flow of every episode, and sometimes ruined whole jokes or bits. The first time i saw it on CC i was like, "sweet, more people will see Mr. Show!", then i quickly realised how

goddamn typos.

I agree with StevieP, i may not love Bord to Death like my favorite shows but i a still enjoying more than most everything else on TV.

hey Cop You Later did you see the pilot 2 weeks ago after Sunny for the new cartoon from one of the creators of Frisky Dingo and Sealab?

Her impressions cracked me up.