
Who knows, maybe next year (assuming they're really stretching it out).

Yes, I agree.

If the plan is really to stretch this out over seasons (and god, I hope that's the case), then I'm glad they're drawing out some of these revelations—a bit like The Giver, actually. I can't imagine they're cutting it, I just think they're biding their time.

You and me both.

As a fellow non-soul-believer, I'm with you. They're just belongings. Glen is still Glen, so that's Ofglen, no matter who she is.

Followed by "They're such little whores." Made my skin crawl.

I imagine that's going to be a slow-burn reveal, so that in later games we'll have that realization. Might hit harder that way. (also maybe worth adding a spoiler tag above, if you've got a second - I suspect that's coming.

I dug that movie, but yeah, preeeeetty different.

Well, it was the "I mean, come on" that left that particular idea in my head, but no worries.

People have different reactions to gendered violence, and a visual will almost always be more visceral and immediate than the printed word.

Hey, at least it's not Pepsi Ralph Fiennes.


That's a totally valid perspective. Also worth noting that everything we know about scientology would suggest that it's not easy to leave (a grand understatement), and we don't know anything about her experience. For all we know, she chose this project because of her own experiences. It's not fair to speculate,


There's a Jez piece on that if you're interested. I a) recognize and agree with the point, and b) recognize that she's said for years that her religion is private, she was raised in it, and thus I think her own experience is none of my business.

Included here because there were already too many Strays, but man, that Simple Minds track hit like a truck, didn't it? It's such a smart and jarring way of reminding us that, in the timeline of the show at least, these people are our contemporaries. Somewhere in Anchorage, the nation's new capital, someone is humming

No, YOU are! And thanks.

I swear to god, it's written and everything, I even have the new songs ranked. My site's down, it'll go back up once I have the time/energy to figure out the problem.

I agree, and there's chatter that it's a marketing push from Hulu, but I think it's more likely that it's a Shailene Woodley-esque misunderstanding of the term and/or a misguided attempt to be inclusive. But again, the show speaks for itself. I just wish we could enjoy(?) it without the noise.

Ha, no, that's me. I forgot my own punchline. I'll go back and add it in. ETA: and thanks for the kind words!