
Maybe. I'm pretty fascinated by adaptations in general, but I think this would hit me the same way if I hadn't read it.

Just the best bonnet face. (Another example: Nell Hudson, Outlander/Victoria.)

Hard to say. My love for the book is certainly not lessening my enjoyment(?) of the series.

Loved it. Bothers me in some other shows, even a few I love, but here it's at such odds with her face that it really works.


Super encouraged to see how thoughtful the comments are thus far. Thanks for reading and approaching the show thoughtfully.

That's very nice to say. Hand to god, when I was hanging out in here this morning and saw your name, I got pretty excited for the same reason. Thoughtful commenters more than make up for Twitter trolls.

It's complicated, that's for sure. New Handmaid's Tale, I… can't wait?

That's how I see it. I'm lucky to mostly cover good stuff. As far as I can remember, I've given two Ds - one to Sherlock, one to Minority Report - and neither were given lightly. Cs infrequent, Bs frequent, A- somewhat infrequent, As somewhat rare.

I've seen the next two. Grades, for me, are always in context of television in general and the show as a whole. We don't give A+ grades, so this is an A- by comparison, and that's all I'll say.



Honestly, I didn't even really know how to address that scene. Profoundly disturbing.


Having a go at precisely no one, just an expression of tiredness at the constant need to couch how feminist stories are classified.

I'll have to track down the link, can't find it at the moment, but I read an interview with Ane Crabtree where she said all the male subservients are in black, as are members of the military. So, all one force?


That's part of why I liked it. They just went for it. No wink, just the most obvious possible choice. Right to the gut.

Yeah, by aging her down they open up a whole new level in that character. And she's *great*.

Yep, that's about right. Different kind of nightmare, but with similar effects (at least for me).