
Ha, thanks. I'm not sure I'm a good person, but I'm not pro-sex slavery, at least.

On a related note, why not Luke and, I don't know, Anthony? Anything at all without a hard K at the end would have been fine, really.

Well, you quoted me, but it's my fault for being unclear. Should make more sense now.

It's a comment on the way the show is made. I've edited the paragraph for clarity.

Yes, will edit now, thank you.

Truth, I think maybe I blocked it? I forgot to include it in the image roundup, too. But YIKES.

Clearly I didn't articulate this well. What I mean to say is that both portrayals make it clear that these women see themselves as in the right, so it's possible for Lydia to be weirdly fond of Janine and be a monster at once; it's possible to recognize that SJ is the product of a world that creates women like her,

Had the same thought, and it'll never happen, but man, that would be something else. Even for just a season. Even for half the season.

Not saying there's no right answer. That's not anywhere in this or any review.

I think that's a great interpretation, though it's not how it struck me. I want to believe the focus on the ally/enemy balance is deliberate, since that's certainly how Luke's story has read to me thus far, but then scenes like the aftermath of the prior Offred's suicide happen and it just doesn't feel that

Having some screenshot issues, so those images will pop up on Twitter tonight, not this morning. Sorry!

First, thanks for listening! That's super cool.

Thanks for the kind words (and for reading)! And no way I'm sending help, you're keeping me employed.

I don't know that you'll be in the minority. It mostly worked for me, but only after a couple viewings and time spend digging out some headier stuff. It's the first one that really didn't land for me after a first watch.

Yeah, valid concerns. I'm largely optimistic, as this is the first time I really felt the air go out of the balloon, but I don't disagree (and your YA point is a good one).

It did - as I wrote the review I liked it less, and forgot to change before it posted. (Although it was literally 90 seconds or so after posting, so you're *fast*!)

Sorry to disappoint!

It's super complicated, but there's something about the richness of American Gods that I find really satisfying as a counterpoint. Still suuuuuper dark, but not as stark, if that makes sense.

Interesting to hear what hits for some and not for others. It was the heels that pushed it over the top for me. TOO MUCH.

I swear to god, they're great books. (But to each her own.)