
Thanks for reading! This is the best comment section around. You're all the tops.

Right! I always assumed it was Prozac or Lexapro or something similar. Now, though…


No way. This show is way too smart for that.

I can't believe I didn't even mention that of COURSE Rebecca has a habit of taking stuff belonging to her exes and lighting it on fire. At least this season she proved she learned her lesson the first time: she put it in the sink, rather than on a bed.

I did! I'm going to combine the two I think, so I'll share just S2 songs as well as a big ol' list.

He's my favorite small-ish character on the show. So wise!

Exactly. A whole new way of dicking someone over. He's not a bad guy, he's just really messed up and should never have "Duh!"-ed her.

Next season: It's a date!

She really is. That maroon was great on her.

Thanks for reading! Barring some strange circumstance, they'll be back next season

Just seeing this particular comment. A few things.

In some of the scenes, the snow was a visual effect, so who knows. (I only know this because the screener didn't have snow in some, just a "snow vfx" caption.)

Problem with authority, drug use, kink, a brief fling with a neighbor, but you're right, it's not groundbreaking. I suppose the plus for me is that she's not emotionally defined by them. I don't mean in a storytelling sense, I mean it in the sense that she does seem to have a life hinges on something other than their

I don't follow, but then again, I'm incredibly sleep-deprived, so who knows. Right now I'm trying to review Timeless which featured both HH Holmes and Houdini so I'm perilously close to madness anyway.

I had this thought, too. Why would they let her talk to anyone, *especially* Sherlock? I know, let's let her at a fragile, drug-addicted, sometimes violent genius.

Man, I didn't see WTF but now I'll have to. I just love him.

A nice surprise, right?

That's so nice of you to say. I'm so glad it connected. Thanks for the kind words.