
Also, Jane Chatwin. Lots of Js. Makes sense.

Hadn't occurred to me, but yep, that's a true statement.

There's floaty sex after we meet Penny, but it's not the moment in the ads.


He didn't get the best material, but they really couldn't have cast that role better. Very optimistic, about this one element at least. He and Kacey Rohl were just terrific.

Yeah, Rohl was my favorite by a mile.


That doesn't happen in these episodes, so it's tough to tell. Wouldn't surprise me, though.

I *think* it's Margo (Janet, in the books), but it doesn't happen in the episodes Syfy provided. Could also be Julia, or some other character not yet introduced. Part of the reason it's tough to tell is that basically all of the women on this show wear thigh-highs, all the time, always. Except Alice, because she's a

I do what I can.


Maybe it's just because I saw it in the previews roughly 6,000 times?

File under "things I assumed I would hate but actually unabashedly love with a fire that will never be extinguished."

Me too. Groan-inducing in the best way.

Just the headline, I'm afraid.

Nope, he's for sure grandpregnant.

I'm not a huge fan of that term. My issue isn't with the character doing it, it's with the tone the writers created. If the idea was that Sherlock doesn't realize how tone-deaf he's being (as he often is with his friends, from which the show derives a great deal of both its humor and its tension), that would be one

Man, that's pretty staggering, actually. How cool.

Bookmarked! Can't wait to check it out.

Mrs. Hudson forever! Mrs. Hudson for President! (Err, Prime Minister!)