
I actually really dig the idea that Moriarty's chaos spawned some sort of organization operating in his name. Like a copycat killer, but so much worse. But I totally see your point as well.


I don't review Downton, I'm afraid, so the two aren't related.

I am female! You are correct!

We choose the letter grade. I figured that if I really disliked a lot of it, and really loved a lot of it, that makes it about a C.

That's just such a nice thing to say. Thanks! I cover Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Grandfathered, and Casual, but this was my first turn on the Sherlock beat.

It's also showing in theatres the next two days, which might be fun. But yeah, not available on demand or anything else until the 10th.

I also love Scott. Just one opinion!

I certainly was never bored. That alone is worth something.

Grades, grades, all types of grades.

No apologies needed! I picked up different things on a re-watch, too. And like I said, it seems well-intentioned, and that's good. Just kind of tone deaf.

Or someone to shout "off with his head!"

Whenever it may come.

I mean, I did enjoy it. It's two great actors doing great work, and that's hard to hate. But god, what a mess.

Honestly, it seemed a bit 'NO SERIOUSLY VOTES FOR WOMEN, SERIOUSLY GUYS I JUST LOVE WRITING WOMEN' which would make it even worse, but I don't want to assign motives to writers. But yeah, pretty lame.

On Crazy Ex-Girlfriend threads it's basically the same, but with more musical theatre jokes.

Even better.

Oooh, I see what you did there.


Me too.