
Corrected! Thanks!

I totally agree about the general ballsiness, but there's something that just doesn't feel cohesive yet, at least to me.

Corrected! Thanks.

Yeah! I keep meaning to call out the music direction and then forgetting. The clogging of the disposal was also underscored by "Feelin' Kinda Naughty."

Well, I aim to please, when I'm not being an idiot :)

Yeah, I'm not sure why that resonated with me so much, but it's days later and I still can't shake it.

Every viewer has their own opinion, as does every writer. That's part of what's amazing about experiencing art, right? It means something different to everyone. I agree with lots of Joshua's review and not as much with other parts, just as I'm sure some of you guys agree with some of what I'm saying, but not all of

Sorry! Now caught up.

Oh man, I missed that one. I'll have to check it out.


Oof, pulled that straight from Fox's site. Error has been corrected. Thanks!

Thanks for the kind words! And yes, you can anticipate both weekly coverage and plenty of Les Miserables jokes.

Yep. Trust me, it's messed up Allison (two Ls) Hendrix's Google search results in a major way, but the upside is that now she can buy 'Vote Alison Hendrix' t-shirts anytime she wants.


Credit to both!

Thanks for the thanks! I'm sorry to say that I think you're probably right. Wish it was better.

Drat! Typo corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.

Yeah, the physical comedy is the stuff that surprised me the most. It's always a treat to be pleasantly surprised by someone who has been around as long as he has.


For what it's worth, I don't think it's practical, but I think we assume people (or characters) are stupid at our peril.