But what about the Faceless Maester and his Palantir, er, I mean Glass Candle!? That's something to look forward to in Oldtown!
But what about the Faceless Maester and his Palantir, er, I mean Glass Candle!? That's something to look forward to in Oldtown!
Matt Damon and Hilary Swank have always looked like they should play brother and sister in something.
You believe what he's saying in that article? Of course he's gonna say he's "not coming back," I'm sure with a big grin and a wink too They flagrantly ignored the fact that Kit Harrington is contracted for 2 more seasons.
Wow, Erik, you don't know how to read into subtext at all. Do you only take things at face value? You assume Jon Snow is dead? it's left in as much of a cliffhanger in the book, but with all the set ups that even if he literally does pass, it's impossible to believe that Jon Snow will actually remain dead for very…
a "B"? Really, Erik? I'm not sure what your expectations are, but this was a fantastic episode from start to finish.
They still haven't had Balon's death happen yet. But GOD willing, they'll cut the chaff from the little of that storyline that was important, if not the whole thing.
Were you really jonesing for those Ironborn plots though?
What about the rumor that GRRM said he just figured out a new "twist" that Weiss & Benioff have already gone past in their scripts for this season?
Isn't Shireen's greyscale kind of crucial to the overall plot of the book? I know Greyscale plays heavily as an obstacle in Tyrion's journey, so I assume she's at least there to remind us of that.
Just proof all of the AV Club's good critics left, Frances Ha is NOT a top 50 movie! Seriously, Greenburg AND Frances Ha on this list, but no Birdman or Selma at all? What a ****ing joke.
This is a new theory?
"She's Not Me" is fantastic, with killer Buckingham-esque riffs. I can't get it out of my head.
Curious what everyone else has thought of Lurline Paull's "The Bees". I find it fascinating.
Two Boats and a Helicopter is actually a common Christian parable that tells of a man on top of his house because the water has flooded everything below. A guy in a raft comes along and says he'll help but the man on the roof says God will save him. Another person comes along with a boat, but the man says God will…
I don't know a single person who was let down by this season. Almost everyone I know has said this has been by far the best season thus far. I'm not sure what you needed from this season, Todd, because they basically gave us all the good stuff from the book, and fixed much of what was problematic. Perhaps they have…
How can you talk about "I Think We Should Have Sex" and not even mention one of Connie Britton's BEST acting scenes in the entire series… Her and Julie's confrontation is such a master class in mother/daughter acting scenes!
Having been in the audience, I can say it was quite awesome! Peele and Chiklas stole the show, and Seth Rogan was in a constant state of giggles the whole time.
I love that Sonya keeps recapping this tripe, but can't be bothered with "Nashville" recaps. Lame.
Having gone to the Palladium show in Hollywood on Halloween, and everyone was dressed up… it was a lot of fun having everyone in costume. Best live show I've been to in a while.
No. Reviewer got it wrong. The case in "a precious commodity" involved serogacy and abortion, not adoption. I don't think the gopnik case was ever in show. They just have the same lawyer.