Samwise Ganges

"Comical sousaphone music"
What makes you think it's a sousaphone? Why not just a tuba? I mean, nobody really writes expressly for sousaphone — they just play tuba parts. I really thought you knew more about low brass instruments, O'Neal. For shame.

Matt's idea of faith and God to me are pretty weird. For him, it seems like faith and agency are mutually exclusive. He can't decide to leave, because God wants him to stay — unless he loses a challenge, in which case God wants him on the jury. I don't get the fatalism. Can he not believe in God *and* make the

Is it just me, or is SimonBarnes the worst gimmick poster ever?

What's the glue-filled Mr. Brainwash's role in all of this, though?

I despise Coach. I don't love to hate him — I just hate him. If he shows up on Survivor again, that'll be the first (failed firstie!) season I'll miss. I cannot stand him.

It's the other side of the miracle!


Splunge for me, too.

I don't give two fucks about this movie.

Plan B = No Stakes
What boggles my mind about this past episode is the way the writers have managed to *lower* the stakes instead of raising them. Their secret: Ret-conning things we've previously been told are important.

OL, OL, that's enough, you guys — lay off already.

"I hope you enjoy the extra hour of Minute To Win It that NBC will put on in its place."

My own personal thoughts on Jamie:

"Sure they could have made her complete. When Padma called out for the next contestant from each team, they could have all yelled out 'Jamie!'"

Happy birthday, Jackie Chan!

Derezzed = best track.

The kid who asked the question is a freak who should be put to death for the good of society.

I too enjoy Scott Aukerman; like you, I also found that Zach Galifianakis episode of CDR Radio to be especially entertaining.

What about Firefly?

That's what happened!