
I just can't believe we are losing handshake battles with the French and Canadians. We just don't win anymore. Sad!

That dude looks like the child of Bam Magera and a pile of shit that somehow has a vagina.

They are dumb people with no critical thinking skills and an ability to disappear into their own echo chambers due to the internet.

OK, listened to her words. Just as annoying. Get me somebody that doesn't treat the audience like an idiot. It sucks when O'Reilly does it, it sucks when Hannity does it, it sucks when Olbermann does it, and it sucks when she does it.

I don't think Leftist punditry has served the Left well either. While it's definitely the Right that are totally screwing us over right now, the Left has gone down its own rabbit holes that I don't think are going to serve us well.

Eh, I find her annoying with all her wild gesticulating and weird facial expressions. I don't like people that treat me like a six year old. I'm capable of my own critical thinking, thanks.

As a liberal, I don't necessarily think this is a good thing. Pundits are a bad thing, full stop, even the ones I quasi-agree with.

I do wish the AVClub would spend some more time on issues that matter to the people, like why weird conservatives hide behind female avatars when we all know better, dude.

It wasn't TV. Roger Ailes famous quote is that TV is more important than newspapers because TV does the thinking for you. That's Fox News. Dumb, lazy people don't even have to read anymore. They just have Sean Hannity condescend to them and explain things to them like they are 1st graders, and then think they're

"You are only sorry because you were caught"

Weird. I actually thought the first couple trailers looked pretty interesting considering I don't have any interest in the Mummy and knew almost nothing about it. I saw the trailer recently in the theater and was pretty down for it.

Good for them.

Have they even really started making this movie yet? This is about episode 9. I know it says they shot some footage, but is it really that far along we've got to make Leia dance for us.

Hmm….nope. That's exactly what it feels like.

Gross. The whole thing feels like making corpses dance for our amusement.

Those people are dumb then.

Good luck on the robot reservations, sucker. We're not going to honor those bogus treaties!

Only the most die-hard libertarians. Most wouldn't want unregulated meat in their grocery stores and they know it. This falls along the same lines.

I don't know why the Democrats aren't picking up this ball and running with it. Their should be ads on every goddamned news channel non-stop.

Fox News responded to accusations of racism from Jesse Waters by giving him his own show in prime time.