
My favorite was there was some writer there that posted some comments in the articles about how Gawker was just such an awesome place to work due to all their freedom and the lack of rules, and how that was in jeopardy now, and how it would affect her happiness going to work. Just comment after comment about how her

It's not libel. It's invasion of privacy. This is a difference that is key to this case. I don't think there is any question that Gawker could've wrote a story that Hogan has a sex tape. It certainly wasn't untrue.

This is unfortunate as I did spend a lot of time reading Gawker for the writers on there that were entertaining and had something to say. I thought they occasionally did good journalism (though not as often as they seemed to think) and had some hilarious writers (Ashley Feinberg's work has been excellent lately), but

It's kind of strange. A lot of reviews seemed to try and praise this movie even though they kind of admitted it was garbage. "The plot, antagonist, chemistry, and two of the characters were lacking, but it had Kate McKinnon making faces and it was "fun", whatever that means". I think people really wanted this film

"I feel like we're on the cusp of something that in hindsight we'll realize was not a good thing…"

Or actively extinguished. Nader's chief platform was the environment, expanding social programs (and therefore taxes on the rich, and above all getting corporate money out of politics.

Does the stunt double have a character?

Trump sued Bill Maher because of a joke. He sued others because they suggested that he wasn't as rich as he says. He apparently still is upset over that whole hand comment from the 1990's. That's the model of thick skin?

Yes, the one guy who is going to defend free speech in this country is the guy with a documented history of suing and attacking people for every perceived slight against him, and whose secondary rallying cry is "________ is very unfair to me." He's the guy who will bring back thick-skin in this country!

"I just want to vote for the real, authentic candidate. The one that accused President Obama of being illegitimate for years and accused Ted Cruz's father of killing JFK. You know, the guy that exaggerates his net worth by probably more than 50 percent, but who won't let the media verify it though his tax returns.

He's divisive in the way that 30 percent of the country decided that he was evil as soon as he took office.

Trump continuously lies about everything involved in his life. This is a guy that called up a newspaper pretending to be his own publicist. This is a guy that continuously lies about his net worth and still won't allow anybody to verify it. Why do you think he's a honest, forthright person?

"He's been beating the odds,"

This looks like the worst movie of the year bar none. Everything about it screams horrible. Just do your own voice, dude. It's not like we actually think you're Edward Snowden.

Yeah, he was totally wrong on riots being counter-productive and not accomplishing anything of meaning. Those riots really fixed it all up there.

The trailer for this movie was awful. All the clips that I have seen for the movie have been awful. Despite that, the good reviews and the hopes that maybe I was wrong spurred me onward. I should've known that the lukewarm "The plot, half of the characters, and the visuals aren't good, but it's a lot of fun"

"it's not established why we're supposed to root for young looper over old looper even though the movie is clearly framed that way "

This is the first time I've seen the Simpsons dismissed as a rip-off of other projects. The Simpsons is responsible for an entire generation's comedy. It's probably the most influential comedy television show of all time. You might not like that influence, but it certainly contributed more to the culture than

's kid.

Iron Man's biggest mistake was trying to invade Russia while still fighting in Europe.