
Nah. Jessica Jones suffered from the fact that despite being a show about a PI, they focused on one story that seemed interminable. The Purple Man should've been the focus of a handful of episodes strung out over a season of PI adventures not the sole focus of a slog of a season. Same as Daredevil Season One's back

He also defends Vladimir Putin! Which is almost as bad!

which just makes me think about how much better Jessica Jones was than this season of Daredevil"

Eh, it's not that funny. Maybe it could have been better if it was…

Like that wouldn't be awesome. Ninjas are great. Cowboys are great. Both things would be awesome

No. The verdict was out on Dr Drew when he had a sober, but crazy Gary Busey on his show for ratings.

I do not find it surprising your poor kids have a visceral reaction to meat when their unhinged father type-yells at people on the internet about it.

Geez, Morrisey really needs to get back in the studio instead of wasting his time flaming people in the comments section.

This was cool. But I have to say, I thought the Raid was an excellent action film. The Raid 2 was also well done, but suffered due to a little too much shaky-cam. This one is getting even more shaky. It detracts from what is awesome choreography by great physical actors when you use the same tricks people use to

Bruce seems like a jerk, but I'm guessing he realized Smith didn't know what he was doing and that didn't help matters. One of the stories Smith likes to tell about that incident is that Willis pulled him aside after Smith revealed he didn't know his lenses and Willis told him that he should know that kind of stuff.

I tried to get people into this show this season and it failed miserably. There is something to be said for some level of accessibility especially in the first couple episodes of the season.

Not being a fan of this storyline is one thing. I think there's problems with a vigilante prosecuting his own cases.

The NFL loves Tom Brady so much that they'd drastically changed the rules for people like him and Peyton Manning in order to make sure they don't get injured and they can set records in passing. I don't get this idea that the NFL wants to punish the Patriots. They're the Super Bowl champions. The guy involved is

He should get four games, too.


I have never seen that VMA clip before. Sure, it's "for" a good cause, but Miley's overacting is hilarious.

Circumstantial evidence is still evidence, man. If a guy calling himself the arsonist is walking out of a fire with a gas can, I'm going to put two and two together.

What about the context of the guy calling himself the deflator going into a bathroom with the balls and then the balls coming out deflated? Kind of weird, huh? Better call Mulder and Scully on this one.

Anybody that doesn't believe Brady was cheating must believe in the most rotten luck ever. It involves the Colts falsely accusing the Patriots of having a reputation for underinflating footballs. It then involves Brady and the equipment managers having entirely above-the-board conversations about deflating footballs

No, I'm pretty much getting that from all your statements on the matter, including the reason people are mad about him not performing as some sort of jealousy over how much he makes.