
All of those are a result of real issues except for Melania which is more a joke than anything else.

Yeah, I am fine with telling them to knock it off as their whole game plan seems to be completely destabilizing the West and installing dangerous demagogues like Trump, Le Pen and others, while continuing to prop up authoritarian regimes like North Korea and seemingly now Turkey. That's the greatest threat to the

That was a psychological test. Please refrain from any media with any point of you as you are clearly overly susceptible to it. And for God's sake, stay off Breitbart.

Yeah, it did. Watch the part where they talk about the cat (if you're able to separate your own biases from it) and ask yourself whether they portrayed that in the most innocent light they possibly could. They started the show with a picture of him as a little kid. They knew what they were doing.

Yeah, I know. It is so KEN KRATZ of me to point out that people shouldn't accuse a boyfriend/brother of a murder victim based on what they had on the TV while they were folding laundry. Practically Pontius Pilate with my whole "don't condemn a guy based on background noise" stance over here.

So clearly he murdered his sister, right? Let's just accuse a guy who lost his sister of the worst crime imaginable in order to exonerate a guy, who regardless of whether you think he did it or not, has a lot more evidence against him then breaking into a voicemail and talking about her in the past tense.

It is undeniably manipulative. Even if you think Avery got a raw deal, anybody who thinks that based solely on that documentary is out of their minds.

Proof that was never even used against Avary.

We should probably lock him up because some people saw a TV show while they were folding laundry.


But the TV show said he was just harmless low IQ Lenny, who obviously didn't know that was wrong when he was only in his thirties.

Gross. This isn't "Who Shot Mr. Burns."

I dunno, how do you feel about armchair Netflix detectives condemning a murder victims boyfriend based on edited trial footage and a slanted documentary. Sounds fair to me.

Nobody from watching the series has any idea about whether the trial of Avary was a farce or not. The trial was chopped up and framed in a way to get you to think a certain way. It was completely jumbled footage, taken out of order, and often omitting any rebuttal by the prosecution while allowing the defense

Yeah, the problem is we are more civilized than Ted Nugent supporters. Really low bar to clear there and we should be happy to clear it.

Yeah, the last thing we need to be doing is saying something is OK because TED NUGENT did it.

He's not offended. He's play-acting. Like Barron is really glued to CNN, watching the fallout from Kathy Griffin. Dude lies about everything and he's gonna lie about this.

I wish she'd go away. Never had an ounce of talent and the worst kind of fameseeker. This whole overwrought press conference is as insincere as everything she's ever done. Yeah they are using you as a shiny object, dummy. Thanks for providing them that and a further way to discredit CNN that so you can continue

Well, this makes many decades of Kathy Griffin not contributing anything useful to American culture or the world in general, and actually being a net negative.

Jesus Christ, you're over 30?!?!? This is the saddest goddamn thing I've heard all day. I figured you were some kid goofing off now that school is out of session or at worst, some sort of frat weirdo wasting time in between dreaming about date rape.