
Like some sort of TV show?

It's not the words I'm not understanding. It's more the lack of recognizable human emotion.

In before the stupid Shortpacked cartoon is posted yet again.

After seeing her in Expendables 3, Rousey makes Carano look like the greatest actress to ever walk the face of the Earth

That seems like a weird either/or argument. I think they can raise issues without doing what they did which was editing and framing the second documentary to make him look like a villain. And I remind you, that they were proven wrong in that portrayal so I don't know why anybody would or could be defending it after

Then the people that blamed the WM3 can't be blamed for trying to find the killer either. That's a horrible standard.

I think it is something that needs to be brought up. But the problem was that second movie was basically "Look at how weird and crazy this guy is" and making the film about him and insinuating that he was the killer. After that movie, everybody thought Byers was the killer and it turns out that he wasn't.

It's an important metric. The action sequences last season were so good (that handcuff fight with Korra was one of the best all year), that they have to live up to them now.

And was the best character in two of those films.

Yeah…"knockout" gas.

Have you seen a reboot before?

I felt like the finale could've used more Qunto. I was hoping that the terrible reviews for Not Cool would be addressed by more than just a few talking head shots with Dawson being defensive and the others kind of laughing it off. The movie was that egregiously bad that I felt cheated it wasn't addressed even more.

This is a weird comment that I don't believe comes from a real person. "Self-absorbed has-been?"

That's always the case. If someone makes a huge risk in business and it pays off, they're a genius. If they make a huge risk and it fails and drags the business down with it, they made a foolish mistake. Same with sports, same with art, same with anything. Calculating the results of a risk is part of the whole

Max Landis is the second-worst thing that John Landis is responsible for.

So was Chronicle his 30th attempt to write a movie? Because that would fit in with the theory, too.

OK, I am now convinced this is Mads Mikkelsen.

I don't believe this is Mads Mikkelsen. He is generally more critical of JSTOR as a knowledge collection service.

My favorite part was when Pete just hands some guy at his work a suicide note and asks him to read it without telling him anything about it or explaining it all. Because that is something a real human being would do and not just a convenient joke setup that people could see coming a mile away.