
I have a real soft spot for his Black Panther though I think it was a huge mistake to use part of that run to resolve old Power Man plots from years ago. Nobody really cared at that point. Still, the character he created (or rediscovered) for Panther was a lot of fun.

It's pretty straight-forward once you read the whole thing. It starts off seeming like it is going to be David Lynch levels of opaque, but it is mostly clear by the end what is going on and why.

These Burns books do seem to have large print runs. I've seen them all over in bookstores, comic shops, etc. Maybe I'm just lucky to live in an area that is more Burns-friendly, but I've been kind of shocked by the market penetration these things seem to have gotten considering how weird they are.

Yesterday, I was at the post office, coincidently picking up some old comic books. While I was there some random guy was yelling at the clerks about how the federal government owned all the land and how it was all tied up in some weird black-ops investment scheme and how he learned about it all while driving a truck

'"Every comic has to matter" is what gives rise to 15 Avengers books and 20 Batman books."

Am I being Punk'd? Is that still a thing?

Who is saying it is representative of all comics being published today? You're being silly. I buy tons of comics and a lot of them are really great. Mostly Image these days, but a lot of the Marvel NOW stuff is really good. I'm liking Waid's Daredevil for the most part. I'm liking She-Hulk. I'm liking Hawkeye

The point is that these are disposable items. There is nothing 'lasting' to them. I could pick up Watchmen or DKR and give them to anybody and expect them to understand and probably enjoy them. A lot of my friends don't read a lot of comics, almost all of them enjoy those books. In my opinion, that's what

It is. The story only really comes together with the final volume

"Superman’s greatest power has never been his strength or his speed, but his ability to inspire those around him."

"Anyone expecting to find an underdeveloped style in these pages will walk away sorely disappointed."

It is too bad his writing voice is worse than twenty thousand fingernails on the same blackboard.

I think they usually are. I don't think this one is. Most celebrity apologies are weird and filled with weasel words. This one actually impressed me.

"Simone’s work on “Women In Refrigerators” helped her transition to
writing comics, and she’s penned some of DC’s most multi-dimensional
female characters over the past decade, specifically in her runs on Birds Of Prey, Wonder Woman, and Batgirl."

All the time? Especially with Batman characters?

Yeah, that's not entirely on the prosecutor. Juries do what juries do.

I love the Adam West show. The original Batman movie is one of my favorite comedies of all time. The reason it was great because it was great comedy masquerading as bad drama. Within the show, everything was played super seriously and that is what made it fun. Batman and Robin is just bad, lame jokes.

Except this whole 'impeachment' thing was just more carny-bullshit to peddle her new wares. So look forward to her popping up every news cycle to say something else outrageous in order to get headlines for free advertising to continue milking the marks.

Also, Bane in the comics was a foreign dude who was pretty smart and trained himself to near physical perfection while living in less than ideal conditions.

Something tells me that if Arnold was Bane, he probably would've got some dialogue. I can't say this for certain, but I've got a gut feeling….