
It was almost worth the price of admission for the robbery scene. That was a brilliantly shot, very fun sequence.

I didn't have a strong dislike of it, but it wasn't good at all. There were about 30 strong minutes of Shane Black stuff, 30 terrible minutes of Shane Black stuff and the rest was generic superhero stuff that is getting more and more boring (and this is from a lifelong comics reader).

I don't see why he should. He wrote the material the films were based on and I think he probably gets to have an opinion on them. I don't know why people CARE so much if they like the movies. It is like they want to have their own opinion validated by Alan Moore. He didn't like them. I think his criticisms are on

I think that isn't entirely accurate. Due to the slipshod legal status of Miracleman, Moore could likely raise a stink about the process and hold it up in court if he so desired. He didn't, asking that Mick Anglo receive the money for the character and just asking that his name be taken off of it. Which Marvel

Upvoted. But one of the things I didn't like about the movie (among many) was the lack of visual imagination that suggested the present and not the future of the book. The
police station being almost comical in that it looked like it was taking place in a conference room.

Or you leave it deliberately vague enough that it fits the metaphor without being blunt and silly. I think Moore accomplished this, as did Huxley/Orwell and others. I think the Wachowskis failed because after the Matrix, they have chosen to avoid anything subtle in their critiques. Look at the comics they did with

There is no doubt about this. And the thing about Sim is that he is intelligent (though I don't think he is AS intelligent as he thinks he is) and well-read. I don't think there is anybody that can talk some sense into him and I don't know if anybody thought it was worth trying. Even Gerhard has said he didn't know

Or the alternative would be…if you have the perfect voice for voice acting, you probably should just go with it.

V for Vendetta almost made me walk out of the theater. It dumbs down a great story into a homogeneous, visually uninteresting bore. And the effort they take to make doubly sure we know they're talking about George W. Bush. Geez, we get the metaphor of the original story (that can be applied generally) without

I'd maintain he did a lot of good work at Image. His WildCATS had some great concepts and was a great twist on the established mythology of the series by establishing actual moral complexity that was later well-explored by Joe Casey. Also, Ladytron. His stuff with Liefeld was great as well. His Youngblood series


I think Moore still puts out pretty good work. Miller got stuck after Hard Boiled and seems to want to do that mix of parody/Spillane with every new story and it is having diminishing returns.

In addition, Elektra Lives Again is his lost masterpiece which features
some of his best art ever and the story is great and a sharp contrast to

We continually and with reason continue to bash Chris Brown for his abhorrent behavior. Meanwhile, R. Kelly is an unrepentant child predator who horribly debased and videotaped an underage girl. I don't get any love for him, ironic or otherwise.

Just what we all needed! MORE stand-up comedy! Sometimes I browse the new releases section of Netflix and I think 10,000 choices just isn't enough. Hopefully, they'll be on some show where they talk about their art in a self-serious and important manner, too! That would be great!

They'll fix this. They fix everything.

Maybe it will have a blood code.


Too subtle. It needed some dialogue. Like "Other woman, I am clearly worried and discomforted by these militaristic robots patrolling our streets. This thing is not so good a thing."

I'm a big fan of tennis and have played most of my life. I've read a lot of tennis biographies. The one thing that is consistent is everyone HATES Jimmy Connors. He's a terrible man and it has nothing to do with him being some hard-scrabble kid. It's because he is legitimately awful. Pat McEnroe calling him an