
Are you really shitting on the Love Bunglers?

Now you don't have to!

Outer Dark is probably my favorite after Blood Meridian. As far as being grim and dark, it's so black it hardly lets any light in, but some of my favorite McCarthy passages are in that book. I think in a lot of ways, it is a slightly better version of The Road.

It is almost like those barbarians in those totally lawless worlds don't respect the rights of those physically weaker than themselves.

It is a word that has lost almost all meaning. Things can't even be sexist anymore…it has to be full blown hatred.

Those Christian parents…always naming their child for the easiest metaphor applicable to the motion picture their children will be characters in.

She once said she was going on a hunger strike for as long as Terri Schiavo wasn't fed. It seems like that should've played itself out by now.

If Statham manages to pull off the second part of that task, he may be the world's greatest actor.

I can imagine the movie experience would be like this….

The insane part is how this is some sort of liberal/conservative issue to a group of people.  Like George Zimmerman is Tom Brady or something, so they have to cheer for him.

I don't know how people are reading that as coincidence and not "deliberate plan."  Alfred pretty much tells him where and what circumstances earlier on in the movie.  All Wayne had to do is find out when Alfred was in town.

Quick, can someone post an overposted and inaccurate cartoon summarizing Frank Miller's work?!!?

People should probably stop trying to engage/convince a guy who uses a skinhead/white power code word as a username.

Nope, sorry.  I did some science just now and the first Burton Batman movie is as awesome as I said mostly thanks to Jack Nicholson's performance.

I think it's a cowardly movie.  It's a film about a bunch of bad guys who don't do anything THAT bad to keep the movie from being too challenging or ambiguous.  When the 'loose cannon' character shoots that security guard and you think they've finally crossed a line and instead they say "He's OK in the hospital"

If not, you should be.

He is kind of right.  I wouldn't say the Lone Ranger was a great movie (mostly due to comedy aspects that fell flat and were easy), but it was one of the better blockbusters of the summer due to that train sequence.  That last bit with the William Tell Overture was way more fun than any other action setpiece that I

Robin, quick..what's the square root of 20,380?  Never mind, I've got it.

Miller is awesome.  Gritty Batman can be awesome.  Campy Batman can be awesome.  It is a testament to the character that he has been involved in one of the best comedies ever (Batman: The Movie); one of the best popcorn action movies ever (Batman) and one of the best superhero movies period (Dark Knight), all with

For some reason, there was never a trial.  I forget why.