
Yeah, what did Polanski do to deserve this?!?  Oh…yeah.  That.

No, that is why they were the two negatives to seeing it.

Nobody should tweet anything offensive to anyone ever.  But he's the one bringing it up into public so he can complain again about how unfair people are being. 

But he used the bread crumbs.  The problem with LOST is they lost track of the bread crumbs and seemingly lost interest in addressing them.  So they just decided to solve another mystery instead.  Imagine if Gilligan did that.  Hey, I don't know what to do with the ricin and M-60 so I'll just introduce a new mystery

The two negatives to seeing this:

Yes I think she is a bad actress. But I only have every film she has ever done as evidence.

The dude knew what he was doing.  They didn't want to resolve the actual mysteries they had introduced so they created some other mystery they could easily resolve and did that instead (the sideways universe).   If you get called on your shell-game, you really shouldn't cry about it.

By the way, did Walt think he was helping by having Skylar use the GPS coordinates of her sister's dead husband to use as leverage?   That is really going to help family relations.

How many cameras are on her exactly?

She was in her  bed because she was sick.  That's why she was pale and looked terrible.

Brady?  Come on.  He didn't kick those field goals.

Or the Fish Police because a surprising number of my city's crimes happen underwater and are committed by fish.

I would probably go with Andy Taylor, the boss who required the trigger-happy, accident prone Barney Fife to place his one bullet in his shirt pocket.

Why would I ask Edgar Wright about great movies?

Sorry.  This isn't directed at you per se, but I hate how people, seemingly post-internet, are demanding characters to simply follow lines of logic rather than be actual living, breathing characters.

This had nothing to do with a simplistic narrative.  That's a valid criticism.  This was literally "we deserved to be attacked because we are arrogant" two days after the attack.  Also from that same class, "We haven't heard Osama Bin Laden's side yet."  It sickened me to my very core and I still get upset about it to

And let me make clear that it was probably due more to the fact that most college students, myself included, think they are a lot smarter than they really are.

I was in college at the time and it was UNBEARABLE.   It wasn't the majority or even a great minority, but it was there.  I was and continue to be very liberal, but I remember being in political science classes with people who were literally saying that America deserved 9/11 due to our 'arrogance' in a class

He has earned a lot of it.  I've gone from seeing Kevin Smith as some sort of sane dude amongst the crazies and realized he's kind of a crazy himself.  His post Cop-Out meltdown where he's blamed everybody involved but himself for making that movie shifted it over.  Dude, you admitted you don't know your lenses and

Man, Nick has a lot to answer for.  They should have a slime-filled, orange version of the Nuremburg trials for this crap.