War Is the H-Word

Labour day? That phoney baloney holiday crammed down our throats by fatcat union gangsters?

Equally importantly, Bales departure will also mean irritating celebrations will also reduce by that amount.

Is there any ruling on shows not currently on the fall schedule eg. Hannibal, Suburgatory and numerous new shows? These shows are obvious picks if allowed, the networks have already shown a lack of confidence in them, and they may not even show them eg. Dane Cooks show last year, and midseason replacement shows don't


Are you me? Thats scarily accurate.

My summer work and holidays are over so I settled in to a month or so of missed tv.

Happy birthday Flowsthead. Sounds like you had a good one.

@avclub-0f2aab038be93ff407d92af691001e73:disqus  Wasn't the calendar called "Family Guy: 12 Laughs a Year"? I thought it was a shot at FG for being rarely funny rather than showing Fry had affection for it. Although yeah he probably would be familiar with the show, so it was fine to show up in his dream.

Futurama and making lists. How can I not join in.

This isn't a war its a moider.

This news is so terrible I think it gave me cancer.

Ayoade and Mitchell mean I will watch it, but seeing that Micky Flanagan is involved makes me nervous.

Its especially odd seeing as it ratings have seemingly stabilised, the last four weeks it has got 1.0, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1. So it not like they are getting new information, if a 1.1 is enough then renew it. Although I'm not sure about the impact of time on their decisions, maybe once they don't decide by upfronts then its

Is there some login problem with AV Club recently or is everyone just watching Arrested Development. Comment sections are so empty. There were newswires yesterday with just 30 comments.

I think the bleeping was just to maintain continuity. But as for ad breaks, I'm not sure I buy your explanation. Firstly, different countries have different amount of ad breaks per episode, (eg. Hulu sometimes messes up UK shows by not following UK ad break timings, leading to awkward cuts) and also if they were

Its weird having seen future episodes in advance of the reviewer(s). You normally have us at a disadvantage.

But what does the A in AD stand for?
That was a typo.

The fb notification sound in the mix has caught me out a couple of times. I paused and checked my fb tab the first two times, and then rewinded to check I didn't imagine it. I guess as they know everyone will be watching on computers they are just messing with us.