Handsome Dan

Oh, here you go:

It might depend on what you mean by "protest song" and "worked".  I mean if you're asking if one song can be attributed to directly ending a war, no, but they may have served a purpose as a rallying cry or helped to keep an issue in the public awareness or brought awareness to an issue in general, I think more than a

That's just what the Washington Nationals want you to think!

The trailer just makes me wish it was a Tex Avery cartoon.

Worse than Abe Vagodians?

Well if you think about it, all attractive people are terrorists, metaphoricallty. 

"As I bit into the nectarine, it had a crisp juiciness about it that was very pleasurable - until I realized it wasn't a nectarine at all, but A HUMAN HEAD!"

I've wadded up my soul, and now I'm going to SHOOT MY WAD ALL OVER 16mm FILM!

Canada is a place where nothing ever happens?

Ah, one of Norman Rockwell's most under-appreciated works.

I thought The Splended Table was out of Minnesota?

I had a friend who used to drive an ice cream truck, he lost his job when he was caught switching pop goes the weasel to Led Zepplin.

So we all realize this all ends with a fight between their leader and Batman out by the city dump, right?

A personal favorite, is the story in Strange Tales 2 (I think) where Spider-Man becomes a megalomaniac after reading Atlas Shrugged.

Did you ever hear about the man who taught his asshole to talk? His whole abdomen would move up and down you dig farting out the words. It was unlike anything I had ever heard. This asshole talk had sort of a gut frequency. It hit you right down there like you gotta go. You know when the old colon gives you the elbow

Don't pat yourself on the back to hard there champ, you might just burst through your chest.

You're on a pretty high horse for someone who went out of their way to derail a conversation thread just to be a dick to a stranger.  I bet you're a real hit at parties.

Oh, hey, yeah, fuck me for contributing to the conversation.  The fucking nerve I got asking a question that's on topic, am I right?

I really don't understand peanut allergies.  I mean, I get that many people have sensitivities to certain foods, and for some that sensitivity is so severe that they could die.  OK, but how does being near peanut butter set these allergies off?  Like I can get that oils can be left on surfaces or hands or what have

I thought Blue Moon was the lowest form of "Wit".