Handsome Dan

What the hell is that thing?!

The more you know!

Nic Cage will be cast, but not as himself.

Sha Na Na joined the Black Panthers.

Look we all know Kubrick helped fake the moon landing.  It was the only way the government would give him the lens he needed to shoot Barry Lyndon.

So…they're just going to hire J.J. Abrahms?

"I discovered this creature on my travels.  A new species of primate, I believe to be the missing link in human evolution.  I've named him Mr. Blinkey, and put him in a tuxedo for my amusement.  Careful not to get your hands too close to his mouth."

But you can't fight Morrisey, he just cries, and yeah, at first there's some satisfaction in watching this grown man weep, filling you with this sense of alpha superiority, but it's only momentary, because he's still there, and he's STILL crying, and it WON'T stop, and you feel like there's no real point in being


How does Dancer in the Dark compare with Springsteen's original?

Also, there were a lot more orgies back then.  I mean, no matter what day it was, or even if you didn't have a date, you could walk into an orgy and be greated like you were Norm walking into Cheers.  Now a days just try and work your way into an orgy.  Go ahead, I challenge you.  Boy I tell ya, they are few and far

Works for Scalia.

"Sy Ableman?!"

But that scene gets better, when he calls another drunk hobo over and says, "taste this", and jams his fingers in the guys mouth.

Sir, I will have you know we have the college.  All the college.  A-L-L the college.

Hey, hey everyone calm down!  Now, I think we ALL can agree that the French were the worst at WWII.

Yeah, Palm Beach?  I'm pretty sure that is Old Man Country.

I'm just gonna throw this out there:  Oatmeal chocolate covered raisin cookies.  Thoughts?

From the first scene, I knew I liked this movie, but when two dudes started to fight a fake cat, and our hero throws it against a wall, and seemingly by accident and just barely noticeable, a chunk of it sticks, that's when I knew it was love.

It's also pretty amazing, because that guy looks resoundingly like John Kerry.