Same here. The film was damn near perfect, and then at the final cut I had to be retrained from tearing off all of clothes and burning down the theatre.
Same here. The film was damn near perfect, and then at the final cut I had to be retrained from tearing off all of clothes and burning down the theatre.
Oh really, well I hear she weighs 111.
How about she's obligated to consume no less than 16 oz. of liquor and we leave the rest up to fate.
Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town
I always figured it was all part of the elaborate plan to prevent Heston from realizing he had just played one of the gayest characters in pre- 70's American cinema.
I once witnessed a guy use the line "Yo babe, meet me at the cock in five", and sure enough she did.
I just want to throw this out there. I like Spielburg, I liked Lincoln, but he doesn't deserve the nod.
I'm looking forward to the long gestated "The Muppets Present: Titus Andronicus"
Does Tom cruise?
Are you here to look at my cock?
This should be a musical. Why isn't this a musical?
" 'Merican Gothic"
Batman's costume is NOT silly! BATMAN'S COSTUME IS NOT SILLY!!!!
Batman's costume is NOT silly! BATMAN'S COSTUME IS NOT SILLY!!!!
Mr. Pauper,
Mr. Pauper,
Harlen Ellison.
Harlen Ellison.