Handsome Dan



Well somebody had to step up after Billy Zane turned it down.

Well somebody had to step up after Billy Zane turned it down.

Hey, its shaped like a lobster tail, but without the shell.

Hey, its shaped like a lobster tail, but without the shell.

One isn't *raised* a Juggalo, that's just neglect.

One isn't *raised* a Juggalo, that's just neglect.

Joe Don Baker has punched someone in the face.  Punched them with his doughy, pudgy fists.

Joe Don Baker has punched someone in the face.  Punched them with his doughy, pudgy fists.

Simple answer:  He's a terrible person and nobody likes him.

Simple answer:  He's a terrible person and nobody likes him.

Counterpoint:  The Birds

Counterpoint:  The Birds

For me the worst Tarantino rip off I've seen has got to be "Catch .44"

For me the worst Tarantino rip off I've seen has got to be "Catch .44"

I think its safe to take it as a given that everyone on internet message boards are teenagers with Asperger's.

I think its safe to take it as a given that everyone on internet message boards are teenagers with Asperger's.

Mumbling and forgetting what you were trying to say was good enough for a real American, like GWB.

Mumbling and forgetting what you were trying to say was good enough for a real American, like GWB.