Handsome Dan

Hey he looks like Odo from DS9!

Superman:  Does tons of coke, really fucks up the West Coast, the Moon.

"And another thing Cap, women like to be yelled at in public.  Makes 'em feel important."

Wasn't that the video with Courtney Cox as the audience member and its like Bruce is singing right to her?

30 Love is the best possible title for this movie.

That was easily the best scene of the movie.  Jon Faveraoux hit Mickey Rourke with a car like 5 times.

I watched an episode of Carl Sagan's Cosmos the other night.  It was about evolution.  He illustrated how evolution takes place very simply, thoroughly, and with a little panache.  Then examined creationism briefly, yet respectfully, and then completely dismissed it.  Then he talked about theoretical balloon aliens.

"Sing a Rainbow" by Captain Noah almost ruined every Saturday morning in my childhood.

Relax baby, we're all pink inside.

According to my Health teacher, no they don't, a rule my girlfriend seems content to enforce.

Asuka Rangure Soryu - and here I always just figured he being a killjoy.

Yeah, but at least he jerked off to her book jacket in that one scene.

This is what the world needs more of, basic cable pre-production slash fiction!

You know I think The Mist might have been as bad as Dreamcatcher.

In 8th grade my health teacher told us that gay people are more susceptible to contracting HIV because butt sex.

I think it has something more to do with subtly being unable to thrive in a conservative environment

Well if there's one person who can really beat the crap out of him, its Danny Trejo.

"Go to Hell Dad, I'm taller than you!" was probably the only thing to make me laugh the whole episode.

Hey, "The Fighter" was pretty good.  I mean, that was only last year.

Dudes, its the District of Columbia, the place runs on primo yayo!