..but the cans she hates are actually Andy Warhol paintings.
..but the cans she hates are actually Andy Warhol paintings.
Half the movie will just be him brooding about how he just can't get good poutine in Japan. The other half will be stabbing.
Woman is the name of the realm he sets his D&D campaigns in, so it works.
I think it's for best score.
He should just go to Hawaii. There is an abundance of coconuts there. He would be very useful.
But they're still going to keep the interpretive dancing?
Or Alabama
EEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Now say "nuclear wessel"!
He ejaculated his guitar all over the Super Bowl and we all cried for more, but he was tired and needed to rest.
His appearance in "The Man With Two Brains" points to secretly loathing
He is a beat up hat and a dirty set of overalls away from being a drunk in an old west saloon.
Allan Sherman's song "Skin" is something that sticks with me. It doesn't hurt that it's kinda catchy.
It's also pretty amazing to see Andy Griffith play a total psychopath. Right up there with Henry Fonda in Once Upon a Time in the West.
Ok, here's the thing, religion and politics are really divisive topics. So much so that just bringing them up pisses people off. Comedians pretty much acknowledge that, but to be an effective comedian anymore it takes a lot more than one liners and a sequined suit jacket, you have to be true to who you are or else…
Elanor Roosevelt was a real looker compared to that one, let me tell you.
Hell, that might get some of us college graduates well paying jobs in our fields! I love this idea!
I like to think of him as Chico Marx
If Tony Stark was an Objectivist hero, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be, you know, protecting the people. Also he gets over the government using his technology through his friendship with War Machine a.k.a. the military/industrial complex.
People! We all need to get over the the Star Trek comments. It's freaking utopia over there!
I homebrew. It's not quite the same, but it's cheap and tasty.