Rabbit Troop forever

Why do you think it would have radically affected his strategy?
It would have been insane for them to rely on Littlefinger. Even if he had sent a raven that he was coming, which we don't know that he did, he's still the snake who sold Sansa to the Boltons.
Jon wouldn't have changed a thing based on an offer from

Or ignored her all together. There is no way anyone would have risked relying on Littlefinger.

Nothing creepy or sleazy, that's for sure.. The guy who goes by "Littlefinger" is all class.

Everything's coming up Sansa!
She got to see Ramsay's army vanquished thanks to her own good thinking, she got to see Ramsay get his face smashed in by John, then torn off/eaten by his loyal hounds! A demise which also had to be her plan.
San-sa! San-sa!
In other news, I'm sure that Yara will have no trouble convincing

I'm sure we'll find out next week, but my guess is she had no way of knowing if she could trust him/if they would really show. She couldn't say that maayyyyybe someone might come to their aid.

Shameful upvote.

Everything's coming up Sansa!
She got to see Ramsay's army vanquished thanks to her own good thinking, she got to see Ramsay get his face smashed in by John, then torn off/eaten by his loyal hounds! A demise which also had to be her plan.
San-sa! San-sa!
In other news, I'm sure that Yara will have no trouble convincing

The HP franchise is obviously much too popular (and I am much too old) to ever feel like it was meant just for me…
But as a child, my dearest wish was to grow up to be a witch- flying on broomsticks, communication with animals, mixing potions, etc.
In fact, it's just as well the books came out when I was fully grown,

*weeps, curls up into fetal position*

Working class? Is that still a thing?

Ok, that was totally worth getting out of bed today. That fox!

How about let's never think of Bob again!
Some of us have a rapidly approaching bedtime to consider. *shudder*

I can wear a men's 4.
Yes, my feet are adorable.

Ugh, yes. Their insistence that Oberyn was murdered, rather than killed as a result of his own foolish actions, is one of the reasons I hate all the bullshit in Dorne. Oberyn died in a fair fight! (As long as it's considered fair for him to use poison tipped swords)

Well, he was going to marry Myrcella, and I think they gave him a seat on the council or something?

You've got that backwards.
Killing Shae was the best thing anyone's ever done on that show.

There are songs that you love as a child, then you grow up and laugh at what a dumb kid you were (ahem, ABBA) but maybe you still rock out when they come on the radio….
Then there is Purple Rain, a song I loved as a child but couldn't fully appreciate how gorgeous it is until adulthood.

Ditto on both counts. I helped out in the lunchroom for the first few weeks of the school year. Ugh, encouraging children to eat that godawful canned fruit.
And the hot lunches at my high school were fantastic!
Also the cheese fries and hot pretzels and every Hostess whatever. You could eat nothing but garbage every

Okay, I can't have/don't even want her career,
But, dear lord, can I please have her attitude toward life?!
What an extraordinarily delightful human being!

Upvoted because, wow.
That's quite a tale!