Rabbit Troop forever

Nice. I'll never know how my mom was able to hold back the floodgates on that one (until my sister and I were of a more appropriate age).
Taught English for over 30 years and swears more than anyone I've ever met. I honor her with my superb road rage repertoire.

Yes, yes, and yes.
All these things are true.

Jesus Christ, that movie scared the hell out of me!
I still watch it every time it's on.
A Del Toro version would likely kill me, so it's probably just as well.

The love of her life wouldn't divorce his wife!
But otherwise, yes.

Anna Faris is the first one who springs to mind.
I think she's a gifted comedic actor, but she's not so famous that she can't function in the world like a normal person (my personal idea of hell would be having my picture taken every time I leave my house).
She seems lovely and smart and, well, she gets to fuck Chris

Except I would say "mostly terrible,"

I loved season 1, drifted away from season 2, gave up on season 3 deliberately, watched all of season 4 (the finale of which was so awful I regretted watching the whole fucking season), and now I'm watching Hotel.
So, I am stupid, but….. sometimes learn?

He was great in Knocked Up.
(Just mute Katherine Heigel's scenes)

Scamp is a good word, I'd also posit Magically Delicious.
I just caught it for the first time this week and I had no idea he was so attractive.

Quit bragging, jerks!
No, seriously, mazel. I have some vague recollection of sex and I suspect that I would also find it rather enjoyable.

You and me both, brother!

No, it really is great. Watch it again

Who could forget luscious Lucius Malfoy as Captain Hook!
I absolutely love this movie, as far as I am concerned, it's the only good (and it's great!) Peter Pan movie.

Love you, Guy Posting in Wrong Thread!

On Halloween, my fourth grade teacher dimmed the lights and read us The Mask of the Red Death, and she let out a blood curdling shriek when the text required.
It was amazing.

Gotta hide from those wicket things!

I spent a good portion of the weekend rewatching season one of Deadwood, and still Jason was the person I most wanted to see pummeled yesterday.
The combination of his smirking sense of entitlement with his poor me, I'm so downtrodden because someone actually tried to tell him "no," for the first time in his life… that

You misspelled Pete Farrelly. He quit because Effie was mean to him *sniff, sniff* but clearly he still adores the actual cause of his problems with Effie.
At least Affleck explained that Effie was doing her fucking job, which no one else seemed willing to acknowledge.

What do you mean, "relief"?
That's my dearest wish!

Hell. They have to go through hell. Twenty years ago I scheduled an abortion that had to be at 2:30 in the morning. I didn't think to ask why. I didn't have a car, (I was a freshman in college, very far from home) but thankfully a friend agreed to drive the couple hours to the facility, and when we arrived we had