Rabbit Troop forever

I'm a school psychologist, and I can never work at a middle school because the only response I can visualize to a child who's cutting is, "DON'T DO THAT!!! STOP HURTING YOURSELF!!! WHY ARE YOU HURTING YOURSELF!?!?!" … while I shake him or her, then collapse on the floor, sobbing.
I feel like it would be ineffective.

In my high school English class we ran of time to read Gatsby,
so we watched the movie. Sadly, it would have been the one book I had to read for school that I really loved.
And my middle school English teacher usually taught Romeo and Juliet, but he told us our class was too dumb. I don't mourn the loss of that one

Jesus Christ. Here's the day's most depressing upvote.

Two words for anyone who doesn't like Radiohead:
There, there

Completely agree with the first paragraph.
The second made me too sad to upvote.


I do.

The grocery store that shall not be named carries frozen pupusas that are quite delicious.
Only four to a box, and they're tiny, but they heat up in the toaster oven- quick, easy, delicious, and needlessly expensive, that's the Whole Foods way!


Eh? Never heard of it.

IF fatter women were truly ostracized…?
Eh, I'm pretty sure that being ostracized is more likely to lead to self-loathing than positive life changes.
As to your last point, for me it's no problem at all to keep my weight down.
I simply track every single calorie I consume every fucking day of my life, then adjust my

I assume you're correct about the conceit of the show, but casting a woman who is a size 8 or (heaven forfend!) 10 would still meet the criteria of her not actually being fat, just considered fat and ostracized for it by assholes.

I ate Walgreens cheese-filled pretzels heated up in the toaster!
Not sure if it's a step up or down from the bowls of popcorn I ate for dinner every night last week.

Speaking of nonexistent Jewish heritage, I came home one day to find the bag of challah that had previously been on top of the refrigerator was on the floor, torn open, and one of my cats had eaten the shiny eggy crusts off all of the rolls.
I mean, I suppose she could have been Jewish. I never asked.

Your username is a lie!

I love my new job!!!
I know the school year has just begun, and I'm bound to get frustrated and irritated w my coworkers from time to time, and the pay is absolute shit (and no benefits!) but I've got a great team and everyone has been welcoming and supportive and it's my favorite age group to work with, and this week

Little to nothing to do with this (great!) piece, but I just wanted to say that the music on this show was fucking brilliant. Maggot Brain?!?
In the episode where someone commits suicide, I am fully aware
A. He's an actor
B. He is alive and well
C. He left the show in order to work for Obama's campaign. And yet the song

Short for Dorothy. Which, now that I'm looking at it, is really a weird name.
Doro-thy? Doroth-y?
I should probably go to bed now.

