Rabbit Troop forever

My point was the sexual tension between the actors
not how hot she looks naked. It's cool that you disagree. Personally, I wish I could have bought the new guy as anything more than an irritating distraction.

The scene where Khaleesi stepped out of the tub is the hottest they've shown on GoT. None of her scenes with the new guy compare.

But Tyrion wasn't "set up to serve Joffrey the cup". Joffrey made him his cup bearer as an impromptu fvck you to humiliate Tyrion even further.
Lady Olenna put the poison in the cup, but she had no way of knowing Tyrion would be the one to hand the cup to Joffrey, and she did nothing to implicate Tyrion after the

I'm not a book reader, and I've never found nuDaario to convincingly portray a real human being, much less a person who belongs in the GoT universe. To me, he always seems as if he stumbled onto the wrong set.
Also, Skrein and Clarke actually had the chemistry that we're supposed to believe these two have.

Oh great, now I picture him with a Milhouse-like Italian accent!

Watching it again I was even more struck by how dismayed/disappointed Jaime was when looking at Cersei on the Iron Throne.
Methinks Homeboy will be bailing on his sister to join up with Lady Brienne.

Watching it again I was even more struck by how dismayed/disappointed Jaime was when looking at Cersei on the Iron Throne.
Methinks Homeboy will be heading out to join up with Lady Brienne soon.

I'm puzzled by the people who are suggesting she's evil "again".
Pretty sure I've seen every episode, and I don't recall her ever not being evil.

God, yes!

He had the right swagger. And he was convincing at conveying lust for Khaleesi, which the new guy somehow failed at.

I always thought of new Daario as a man bun wearing bartender from Seattle.

And poor Loras!
His last moments were filled with humiliation and excruciating pain. For nothin'

Either way. But I don't recall Lady Olenna doing anything to implicate either of them.

How did she frame them? Didn't Joffrey identify Tyrion as his killer and Cersei (and everyone else) just assumed it was true? It's not like she could've come forward in their defense. *I can't say how…..but I swear they're innocent!*

Oh, fair enough. I thought you were trying to suggest that the woman who killed Sansa's direwolf for no reason isn't pure evil.

Because why?

Oh, and the Mother of Dragons is coming to wipe that smirk off your face, Cersei!

Lady Olenna managed to make Dorne worth watching!
But, oh, poor poor Lady Olenna.

Lady Olenna can even make Dorne worth a visit!
Ugh, poor Lady Olenna.

That picture of Lancel looking smug makes me hope he gets it this week.
We all saw what you looked like as a blond, you smug douchebag.