Rabbit Troop forever

Well said, and I agree on all points. Especially the part about the dialogue! It's as if they wrote out all the dialogue for one character and then drew names out of a hat to determine who gets each line. And the primary difference between the seasons, imo, is the steep decline in the quality of the writing.

Possibly my all-time favorite Homer and Lisa exchange.

They really made those three or four minutes count, didn't they? He was so crafty and cunning and quick- witted…
(When I get bored I make up my own movie in my head)

That actually makes me excited for next season!
Well, a little.

Disqus will not allow me to post in the relevant places on this thread (grrrrr), but I just wanted to say that Dark Knight Rises is my favorite of the franchise.
I love the movie overall, but what pushes it over the top for me is that the things I don't like about it are so minor compared to, say, the presence of

Whether or not a person is a real member of the avclub commentariat is determined not by the number of comments or the content of their character, but in how deep and abiding is their hatred of Great Job, Internet.
I remain…. an outsider.

I can vouch for the fact that many people thought they were awful even back in the day.

I literally held my hand over the image because his hideousness was too much for me to bear. *shudder*

Me too!

Frederick's delight at the dog jumping through the hoop might be my favorite thing I've seen on TV this year.
I love you Dipper Pines!

That's definitely how I learned about it.

My Social Psychology textbook from undergrad, (i.e., a long time ago) contains the urban legend version, and up until reading this Newswire I had no idea that it was inaccurate. In fairness, though, it was presented as a glimpse into how large groups of people may react to a terrifying event, without any racist or

Eh, I've worked with children with special needs for over ten years now, and while I agree that it sounds condescending, to me there is nothing worse than "retarded." It literally makes me wince when I hear it.
Plus, "differently abled"? "Neurologically atypical"? "Uniquely abled"? Special needs is the best we've got

*offers awkward shoulder to shoulder hug*

Well, in Katy Perry's defense, "It's Cool for Gay Men to Act Like Pretentious Douchebags Because That's What Being Gay Means, But A Straight Man Who Tries to Seem Gay by Acting Like a Pretentious Douchebag Is A Loser and Undeserving of My Love Because Men Who Act Gay (you know, by wearing makeup and a scarf and

The point is that it's juvenile and stupid. I stopped saying it in 88, and I haven't heard anyone outside of South Park use it since 98.
And the song doesn't even work as a dig at metrosexuals. Vegetarians who drive hybrids? People who read Hemingway? Woah, she doesn't care whose toes she steps on!

Hey, the kids on South Park were still calling things "so gay" in 2008. Now that I think about it, Cartman could have written that song.

*reads lyrics to "Ur So Gay"*
Wow, and all this time I thought my hatred of Katy Perry was irrational!

Here's where I'm confused about the custody plot. Ray is a murderer (yeah, he thought the guy raped his wife, but he still killed a man) corrupt cop, hired goon who beat a man so badly that he probably could have killed him, in front of the guy's son, just because the guy's son was a jerk/bully. (Hmm, which is worse,

The cut and pasted stuff was amazing, but the comment history, ugh. *shudder*
I should not have looked under that particular rock.