Rabbit Troop forever

I want to apologize on behalf of the person who suggested that you don't understand the concept of projection.
It's clear you have mastered the art.

"two things to say to you personally about that though
1) She's not going to sleep with you
2)The person that hurt your feelz and made you and possibly your family cry when you were a kid? You know the one that inspired you to become an idiot rescue ranger?
Yeah go deal with THAT GUY! Because I'm pretty damn sure it

Remember, we also share this planet with fireflies and fluffy baby bunnies.
(And a man like that will never reproduce.)

Are you fucking serious?
No one is arguing that the insult shouldn't be offensive to the person one intends to insult. You think anyone here is worried about offending sexist assholes?
There are countless ways to insult a person without mocking people with actual disabilities.

I'm partial to "the well trotted maze of Feminist post-menstrual stress, played out in ever decreasing spiral loops of psycho-drama that always lead to the same cul-de-sac up their own vaginas"
Clearly this is a man who has no use for nonsensical jargon!

"The rigid choreography from the faux-outrage and pseudo-indignation playbook, and jargon so incoherent it's actually an alternate language created by people who learned how to communicate by talking to themselves. Also the dark-triad of neurosis, negativity and narcissism will be elevated to the level of revealed

I didn't hear this song until I was an adult, working in retail. I didn't have the luxury of leaving the store!
It is a terrible song. Fucking awful.

Fair enough. Good luck!

The Santa thing destroyed me as a child. It was the realization that there was no magic in the world. No gnomes or fairies or trolls or goblins or what have you- all the stuff that I thought might live in the woods surrounding my grandparents' house, or at least in the UK. The world seemed very dull and flat and

I think the letter is hilarious, but I especially appreciate the irony of all these people who seem very angry and offended at the idea of a person overreacting to something trivial.
How DARE he get so angry over something minor! What a prick!

*but I heard God's voice, and he said, "This is fucking bullshit"
Well, I think this is funny.
Go on, Eugene!

I have no idea whether she loves him or not, but her facial expressions suggested that he said exactly what she'd been hoping to hear, and gave me the impression that she believed him, when I thought his little speech was laughably unconvincing.
I just watched the scene again (flipping channels) and she seemed to turn

Paul's girlfriend: broke up with him because she realized she had no idea who he is, and he might even be a very bad man. But now he wants to marry her because she's pregnant so… Hooray, he loves me! *swoon*
Ani: fucked one of her underlings, dumped him in a very casual/insensitive manner, then threatened to knock his

I can only speak for myself, but this week was probably my last episode. The final straw was the realization that I was much more concerned about the peaceful protesters/innocent bystanders than any of the cops, including the main trio, none of whom I give a shit about. Hell, I loathe Paul and find Frank and his wife

Sort by Oldest. Plenty of people are enjoying it. (I am not one of them.)

I've only seen the first two episodes of season 1, but for me the primary difference between Rust and his musings versus Frank is that I could believe Rust was a real person who thinks and talks that way, as opposed to a mediocre actor delivering crappy dialogue unconvincingly.

Don't forget the unintentionally hilarious dialogue! That's what kept me awake.

Thank you! Yes, break the rules or don't, but if you get caught, don't bitch that other people break the rules, too.

I happen to have the same job as J Loren Pryor, and believe me, that "faceless slug" conversation never gets any easier.
I love this episode, and I especially get a kick out of seeing a school psychologist on my favorite show. You see guidance counselors, deans, and other administrators, but never psychs. He…. does

I completely agree. The cheesiness doesn't bother me because Lisa singing her little heart out is so damn sweet.