Rabbit Troop forever

My sister used to live on Goethe!
Which reminds me of a debate I had with a friend- do you pronounce it correctly, knowing that most people don't/ won't know what you're saying, or do you deliberately mispronounce it?

Having just watched this week's episode, I envy you.


If this all works out well for you, please let us know.
Seriously. I, I mean, we, you know, everybody here, we're just really curious, that's all.

If the choice is between Domino's and Papa John's, I'll just dip the napkins in some hot sauce and eat that instead.

Potato Pizza
(A tale of international pizza adventures)
Many years ago, I was at an Italian restaurant in Oaxaca, Mexico (two Italian brothers had settled there and opened a fantastic restaurant) that had potato pizza on the menu. The pizza had round, very thin slices of potato underneath the cheese and no

I worked at Lou's when I was in high school!
If you received the wrong order at some point during '89 or '90, (yes, I am old) I may have been the one who wrote it down incorrectly!
And yes, their pizza is great, I ordered one just last week.

I don't know whether he is or not, but buying up thousands of gallons more than he is supposed to be using during a severe, statewide drought hardly makes him a hero.

I first saw this story on Mother Jones, and there are people arguing that the rich should be allowed to buy up (or in this case, steal if necessary) all the water. I've had to restrain myself from pointing out how fucking insane that is.
One of them actually starts out, "Water is an elementary human right," and then

But is he worth a million in prizes?

True, but I must admit I liked it when they were showing dinosaurs.

Thank you!

Since someone already opened that shameful door, I hope you can help me with this. Wasn't there an episode in which Stewie insists (to Brian) that Bruce Jenner is not a man, but "a beautiful Dutch woman"? I swear I cannot have made that up, but I haven't seen anyone else mention it, ever. I suppose I could do a

I know that some of the dialogue is intended to be funny, but I can't always tell the difference. I thought that line was hilarious, but I wasn't sure that it was meant to be.
And while the "He's a man" line was… not great, my take was more *Duh, he's a man, he's STUPID/easily misled* rather than don't feel badly about

God help me, I actually preferred him. The wig was awful, but I thought he looked precisely the way a guy who delivered those lines ("I fight for beauty" *snicker*) would and should look.
Current Daario doesn't work for me at all. I feel like there is no chemistry between them. There was more heat when Khaleesi got

Come on, nothing is better than this.
Or is it?

Cruz's ideas?
I do not like them in a boat, I do not like them in a coat,
I do not like them here or there, I do not like them anywhere!
I do not like Ted Cruz's plan,
I do not like it, Sam I Am!

We knew there were people who inadvertently vote against their own self-interest, it's a pretty bold move to proudly proclaim it.

I clicked on the Melissa Joan Hart link, and here's a quote,
"Guess what? A person can care about the earth AND marriage equality AND want the economy back AND … have a good healthcare system that works all at the same time &choose not to continue on the path of the last 4 years! #RomneyRyan2012."

Why, I hardly know her!