Rabbit Troop forever

I've only seen 6 of these, but they're great choices.
I think I may have actually jumped out of my chair at the end of The Jinx, and I watched the attack of Hardhome every time the episode aired that week. Sit-In is a favorite Girls episode, I just watched it again last week.
Silicon Valley and Gravity Falls, love,


Because that's what comic book guy said about him, and I know no greater authority on the subject.

I'm starting to think his mind is no longer in mint condition.

That second bit speaks well of the company you keep, but those two have made a good living off the people who aren't aware that they're full of shit.

YES. That shit really pissed me off.
Using the idea that there really were (evil, demonic, baby murdering) witches in Salem in a movie is one thing, but when you're marketing the film and the couple's work as true/ real, that's fucking disgusting.

Yes, I was.
I was mocking the idea that Jon Stewart is pro- drone strikes. But if you have any evidence to suggest otherwise, I'd love to see it.

Good luck!!!

You know, you and I have never been formally introduced…..

But…..oral sex is what separates men from dildos!

"So in the car on the way home, Vincent said, “It’s Coral’s birthday next week. What can I get her?” And I said, “You have it on your person. Look no further.”"
She's an absolute treasure.

Aha, thanks!

I actually loved the music in Goblet, I meant that Yates should have asked him back. IIRC Williams has said he would have been thrilled to return to the franchise.

Ewan, hush!!

That joke is wasted on these whippersnappers. The Tiffany Aching series is really great. She's one of the most human (believably imperfect) protagonists you'll ever meet.
For example: in the first book, when she wants to get a better look at a monstery witchy creature, she uses her annoying younger brother as bait.

I love love LOVE the Tiffany Aching series. I think they could make excellent movies, unfortunately I think it's unlikely they would be done well, especially after reading this article.

Lol, fair points, but they remain my favorites of the series. I judge HP movies by how fully I'm able to immerse myself in the HP world, and I found the early films more engaging in that sense. *Omg, Diagon Alley! The Slytherin Common room! Hogsmeade! Lucius Malfoy!* etc. Oh, and not asking John Williams back was

Do it! They're so well written. Cooper clearly respects the reader, which isn't always the case in YD fiction.

Eloquently stated and correct.

Yes to all of that!
So glad to know I'm not the only one.