Shrim Thug

a human outside of society and socialization is massively unnatural

The only difference I've sort of gleaned is that mutants have their powers from childhood/adolescence and other heroes come into their own in adulthood (even this isn't an entirely clean divide).
It sort of made sense that the X-men were popular in the 80s and 90s where there seemed to be starker generational

Yea, but Empire had a giant, 4 minute scroll of exposition at the beginning.

I'm saying someone rejecting an artist because they're bigoted isn't the same as a bigoted artist's work not holding up under later scrutiny.

except being a racist sucks and being gay is fuckin cool

I'd go as far as to say that most of Bill Cosby's work doesn't hold up to contemporary tastes, regardless of how unsavory it is.

That's kind of a distinction without a difference during a time when the construct of whiteness hadn't expanded to include every European ethnicity.

Well that's the statement I was responding to, so what are you asking, and why the non-sequitur?

If the choice is bigots and people who don't tolerate bigots, then, yes, one is automatically better than the other.

I think most people can walk and chew gum at the same time.

When's the right time?

Mathematics is a formal system of logical axioms. How is that not philosophy?

Why is it good to stop caring about things?

College students are adults.

I would say they're de facto better than bigots.

you can have a high IQ on paper and still be a fucking moron.

well, hopefully one of those things happens.

It's fucking criminal that peter pan wasn't the header image for this article

Yea, I mean how would 2,000 9/11s happening in an instant really change anything?

Actually, George Lucas didn't direct this one.