Shrim Thug


If you were living on the street, you'd want to get drunk, too.

I dunno I had read on twitter and tumblr that he did U Don't have to Call, Retro, No Small Talk, Make it Feel Good, and AssShots, and everyone was pissed he didn't do a run-through of Camp.

its more believable to me that a shady promoter oversold their event than donald just decided not to do the performance he said he was going to do. also people on twitter were saying he did five of his songs, which is pretty good for a side show at a small venue

It really upset me when Blake took that heel turn.

I assumed he was talking about THE Pentagon. Like, a Platonic Ideal Form of pentagons.

Chilton's preserved head in a storage unit would have been perfect if they got to remake SotL

Oh, I thought he was talking about Evita.

He's the white Denzel Washington.

Molly did miss the point of the scene, but the killing wasn't accidental. The point she was trying to make to will was that trying to save everyone isn't always the best course of action. Trying to help a wounded bird is most likely futile, and it's better to give it a swift death and end its suffering.
Similarly, she

Characters don't just grow on trees, homie.

that's pretty interesting. from my logic, i could easily see not finding a good-looking person to be attractive, but for a reserved shut-in like dolarhyde, i couldn't envision a way for someone to find him attractive based on anything other than looks.

I'm interested to know what you believe the substantive difference is between "attractive" and "good-looking"

There's obviously a disconnect. Business side seems to want the Gawker brand to be all about hard-hitting journalism, and Editorial feels that the company is a big-tent clearinghouse for high- and low-brow content as long as it's interesting.

I can see where just saying you'll look into helping to get them off your back might have helped, but at the same time you don't want to feed into their cray too much.

Honestly, who cares about the entire thing? The escort comes off worse than Geithner in the story, and Gawker did him a favor by publishing. You can't blackmail someone over something if everyone already knows.

Why is the public interest a factor? Gawker is an NY media industry gossip rag. They don't care if certain things are only relevant to insiders.

Carnival of Souls >>>>>>>>>>>> The Dark Carnival

Um, it is a cult sensation.