Shrim Thug

Technically, he lost his wife to himself.

A&E would be nice, since they own the tv rights for SotL, and I'm thinking maybe Sundance Channel or AMC would be a good fit, too.

This is an awful lot of snark for someone diving into a conversation months after-the-fact without bothering to figure out the context, which is that many commenters were frustrated that the writers seem to want the audience to actually root for the protagonists, who are horrible people.

I'd be all for them killing Peter Parker in the first fifteen minutes then bringing in Miles Morales.

"Drowning Man" would be the perfect title for Jost, if you think of it as the spiritual opposite of everything embodied by Burning Man.

It's a figure of speech.

That's the point.

For the MCU they'll probably all be called pocket dimensions or whatever like Asgard.

Philly Sports Fan.

Probably the week after Labor Day.

To be fair, he was subtweeting every other show.

Weird how two hyper-capitalist countries with huge hangups about sex and career advancement are both obsessed with the point in life when those anxieties are first thrust upon us.

Well, it has 2 out of 3 of those things at least.

Replacing a word in a movie title with another word? This is the good envelope-pushing shit I've been waiting for!

Ah, those halcyon days when a man could end a woman's livelihood because he felt threatened.

To me the tweets felt like a bigger dig at @midnight than Fallon overall.

It was an example of lazy humour that he finds to be of a kinf with the things listed beforehand and also a self-deprecating appendix to show that his tweet needn't be taken as gospel. As in "I'm just some fat guy."

I mean, his current persona is only like five-ish years old

I would imagine knowing Spanish in New York City would be kind of a resume booster.

He wasn't talking to the Sheriff's Department. He was talking to party donors.