Shrim Thug

I mean, the last thing I saw her in was "I Love You, Man" and she had one Black parent and one white parent at the rehearsal dinner scene, and then her character had that whole monologue about having her identity erased on Boston Public.
Although honestly those are the only two things I really remember her from since

Patton's branching into sketch comedy.

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend was a one man show and not a stand-up special, so that might be part of it.

im sure they were also super confident in their job security and had enough clout in the writers room to veto anything they were uncomfortable with

I was pissed they blew that place up because having his soul trapped in a pit with the revenant corpses of people he enslaved would have been the perfect punishment for Thomas Jefferson.

I feel like Rashida Jones is a bad example because she's never played coy about being black.

Ya whitewashing owns.

I'm positive there's actual comedy to be found in a character no longer erasing herself and rejecting white supremacy, but it won't be found in Tina Fey's writer's room.

It's a review, not a recap, and it's not the job of a reviewer to unconditionally like everything they watch.

Wow, deferring to a rich white producer and her white bff over the feelings of people of colour? Brave choice!

It's crazy how generations of white kids learned the definition of racism from other white people.

It was a toothy blowjob! Argh!

lmao Wilson literally said Mike Brown had the face of a demon


What's a college fund?

Old Sammy's Bin Ladles

Must be tough.

The whole time watching this season, I was angry at the writers for trying to make me care about a bunch of rich sociopaths. And I say this as a fan of The Vampire Diaries.

Except she was married, and until the end of the movie, she was the antagonist and any romance between them was exposition of past events.