Shrim Thug

Wow, Hollywood finally let Will Smith have a white love interest.

Ugh, these brown shells are the worst! I hope I pick up a brown shell!

The time of Judgement Day keeps shifting, so Skynet's machines are either more or less advanced based on what it started with.

I can't tell if you're joking. =(

After that rehearsal show, I noticed that the orange/red makeup they use on him makes him look like five years older. They really need to step their game up.

This is what I'm trying to get at! DJ Sheriff Phil beats Big Jim senseless, and it has nothing to do with how he killed his best friend! Argh!

Like, *I* know what happened, but I'm wondering about the fine people of Chester's Mill.

Has anyone on this show even asked where Dodie went?

LaToya is there a reason you use the word credibility when credulity would make more sense?

And to be fair the title actually is something that happens in the movie because he's constantly edging so tomorrow doesn't come.

Which vampire myths, as presented by whom? Vampire myths being common knowledge just means that most people have heard of the concept of a vampire.
It doesn't automatically translate into knowing every variation of every vampire story, or most importantly, jumping to the conclusion that they exist in real life and

She's black with a Caribbean accent. The question is why is it the default assumption that she's Hispanic (and the maid and not the nanny).

Haha they probably made him stand that way. Tim is the nicest dude around, and he's probably one of the best coverup artists in the country.

The distinction doesn't really matter to Americans because there aren't any government-owned airlines here. If a commercial airliner is downed, people immediately think terrorism, and that there might be more terrorist acts coming, which is why markets were falling (the stock market slips for nonsense reasons all the

Why is it reasonable to assume that everyone is a pop culture nerd that's expecting the existence of magic to be confirmed at any moment?

West Indian.

Not everybody is a bad-ass monster killer, and it's perfectly reasonable to run for your life when threatened, or you know, just know your own limitations.

If you actually appreciate the art of tattooing Permanent Mark and America's Worst Tattoos are must-sees.

I thought this was cancelled after the second episode, and they've been burning off the rest of the season?

The survivors were released because the HHS secretary didn't have proof of an infectious agent, and it was a commercial airliner, not a private jet (how many private flights do you know with 200 random strangers?).