Shrim Thug

Yea, except Black people have our own dialect of english.

nah that's al gore

that sequence was set in new mexico

the arm and the doppelganger are both evil, just one is lawful evil and the other one is more chaotic evil

I mean I could definitely understand a couple well-off white ladies not understanding how someone could be railroaded.

Well @Midnight is a boring, unfunny show to begin with so

If Thor dies, Loki becomes heir to the throne in Asgard, has no reason to ally with Thanos, and doesn't bring the Mind Stone to Earth.

Also, McDonalds fries aren't vegetarian

I'm pretty sure it's just the barbecue sauce with soy sauce added in?

on what planet does chinese food not have a ton of fat

the answer of whom to cheer on is always penny

there are a lot of references to the nixon and johnson tapes

i think he stayed out of it out of respect for sestak

do you also think moby dick was the villain?

the low oxygen zones on the other side keep it from rusting

Well, Gore and Lieberman were the two biggest democratic war hawks in office at the time, and they'd both had a hard-on for Iraq through the 90s, so I would say that contention is both unknowable and unlikely

What was the huge difference between Bush and Gore?

they have some of the most advanced medical equipment in the region. they're also very good at squeezing money out of people

You could also probably convince more than 36 people to sign onto a payment plan that has the added benefit of making the debt legal again.

counterpoint: i worked in the finance department for a hospital and they were totally sitting on bales of money