Shrim Thug

I think Martin has a harder time holding his breadth, if you know what I mean.

Tokyo is gigantic and sprawling compared to New York, and it shuts down at night in a way that NYC simply doesn't.

No, it's that the domain for all of her e-mails, work and personal, is mindmyvagina.com

I know you ain't talking shit about Sneak King.

Are they really fine, though? Has anyone sat their careers down and asked?

The guy with the hologram lawyer was super rich, so why would the assumption be that he had a cheap phone or that he didn't have holo projectors in his house like last week's episode?

Guild Law.

Is it bad that I never bothered to watch this show because I thought it was just ABC's version of Hollywood Game Night?

The stapled-on-ness of Shoshanna's friendship is highlighted in the opening sequence, when Marnie puts the place cards on all of the girls' beds with the exception of Shoshanna, for whom she hesitates and puts it on the nightstand.

Basically. Russo needed to be a credible candidate for Governor. Otherwise, the Republican in the race would have had no strong competition, and the Vice President wouldn't have had any incentive to leave office.

I would be impressed if something plausible aside from the church was behind the killings.

As someone who took five years to graduate college, then spent a few more years in an academic lab, I feel your pain. Being 23 and finishing gen eds with 17 year olds, then being 25 and working with 20 year old work study kids made me feel absolutely ancient. But it's all in your head! Try your best not to be

It really depends on why you break up. I don't know what most people are like, but it seems like it'd be hard to consider someone attractive and get on socially without wanting something else if you've already crossed that line before (with the assumption that both parties are single).

This woman needs therapy, and you need to find a different woman. She keeps priming you with the thrill of a new relationship, and you're just chasing after a high that's not coming.

When Kanye gave his BET award to Outkast during that ceremony no one was accusing *him* of saying "my music sucks." It wouldn't be absurd at all. It would actually be a legitimate gesture. Fuck, he could have given it to him after the ceremony.

He probably would have got much less criticism if he had just said thanks and moved on. Yeah, he definitely would have received criticism either way, but there's no avoiding that.

If he wasn't going to say it on stage and give him the trophy, then he should have just kept his mouth shut entirely. No one wants to get some self-serving faux-apology after being disappointed like that.
"Hey man, I robbed you. I'm just sitting here, holding this award, thinking about how badly I robbed it from you.

Unless dude was putting his Grammy in packing peanuts, Macklemore was just rubbing his face in it. He might as well have just sent a selfie of him licking the trophy.

SEX MUTANT?! I thought they closed that place down!

I love how this episode was a barely exaggerated version of America. "Why would you have to pay money to be educated?" absolutely killed me.