Shrim Thug

I assumed it was some kind of dig at crossover SUVs? I mostly liked it because it made me feel nostalgic for The Mask.

"Your mother fries chicken in Hell" was one of the more controversial taunts edited out of The Exorcist.

What blew my mind was Marnie putting a third of her banana in the blender and THROWING AWAY THE REST OF THE BANANA.

During the breakdown:

I really liked Lisa Simpson singing God Bless the Child. It at least rates better than "not really any good" in my opinion.

Exactly. I was expecting her to tell him to take a picture with his phone so *she* could read the instructions. Instead, she was saved through the power of believing in Stiles.

If only we had some method for the government to receive more money for the services it provides. Oh well.

Hugo Weaving in Cloud Atlas was just Old Gregg from Mighty Boosh.

Thanks for the giant quote about reverse racism from a random stranger!

Stating the fact of someone being gay and showing active same-sex attraction are two different things.
Also, again, note that the "game" of the bit on weekend update was about the character being gay. The original question was "why can't Kate have a girlfriend in the video where she's ostensibly playing herself?" and

What the hell has been happening on Adventure Time??

If we're talking Hannibal, I would have gone for the scene in Hannibal's parlour from Roti.

For SNL, they have to play harder to the audience in attendance than the TV audience, and at Christmas, the audience is mostly tourists and Midwestern transplants taking their friends from home/relatives on a night out. So you get lots of celebrity appearances and lots of impressions.
That also means they have to stay

It's the White Athiest Rapture

Well since she'd been talking about it with his mother, and his mother immediately told her he said 'no' to going shopping, he could just be aware of his mother's big fat mouth.

Unis are just easy pickins. Resistance to magic doesn't come until after the detectives exam.

I wish I knew what the author's theory of what a "Christmas-y" episode entails in addition to being set during Christmas. Presents? Also, I have no idea why a Christmas special can't be sad.

When I saw The Hobbit, I was actually distracted by how the dude form Being Human was wearing zero Dwarf makeup

Raphael was guarding Chuck