Mr. Classy

"The all look like the same man"
Way to not be racist Broyles

I mean, its apples and oranges

She can be both

Where is Archer? WHERE IS ARCHER?

It seems your shwartz is as big as mine

Yes. It would mean you would be depriving yourself the joy that is playing the first portal.

I'm surprised that subwaytastic Chuck didn't make it onto this list.

Cmon man, they don't have any dollar bills in any dryers.  They don't even have any dryers.

Was that Deion Cole, Conan writer, who was the mugger at the end?


Why is firefly still not an option? This is mind-boggling.

I want misfits back on the avclub, especially after last week's nazi-killing episode.

That's depressing as hell

Pineapple. That is all.

I'm really excited for Sam's Daughter, that was the episode that made me really fall in love with this show(or more specifically, when coach gives his daughter the speech that she really is beautiful).


Six seasons and a movie!

Erm…. Chuck?


Does this mean
You've revised last week's episode's grade? Or is it an A- that leads into this A that averages out to an A for both?