Mr. Classy

I was underwhelmed by the episode.  Not that it was bad, but….. eh.

If that was real in any way I'll gladly pay.

10 "AVclub dollars" says that the credits are just the lame grey ones they used at the end of season 3.

Thats what I thought after watching remedial chaos theory. And also this.

Things you failed to mention the awesomeness of in this episode: Everything Ken Jenkins.  Both between his robbing of the vending machine and his delivery of "yeah, it was awesome."

My Big Fat Greek Wedding comes to mind

Lets be honest here, that probably happens at least once every few days for those two.

Lets not forget that The website for the parent's television council has its own set of ratings, independent of the MPAA.  A set of ratings that either prove that the MPAA is irrelevant, or not enough.  Why can't they just stick to getting shows with "b" as part of an acronym kicked off the air.

Thats why we can't have nice things. Barry. YOU ASSHOLE.

I rape the ducane family. Again.

I love community more then anyone else here(try me, really) but the fact that Bryan Cranston's line reading of "welcome to the danger zone" wasn't included here is blasphemous.

U of M! University of Miami!

Alex Krumping away the guilt was the greatest

Saturday night, Paley center in NYC to see the viewing of the LA panel on community.
And watching shitloads of archer, which is really more of a routine then anything else for me.

So its Archer as a superhero, without the quality voice actors or writing?

I am on board with this vagenda.

I don't understand what you've said and I won't reply to it.

Why did they make Cryil a field agent over Pam? It seems pretty obvious that he sucks at it, and something about her driving/combat skills suggest she'd be good.
This isn't usually a show I try to find logic in, but still.
Also, that Pearl Harbor line singlehandedly saved this episode.


The last ten minutes or so I sat at my computer, just screaming: WHAT HAPPENED TO MR. MUGGLES. I was really happy they actually adressed that and didn't just leave a loose end.