Mr. Classy

Does this mean
You've revised last week's episode's grade? Or is it an A- that leads into this A that averages out to an A for both?

You're a bad, bad person hatefuck.

Noel I'm assuming you're talking to me since I was the one who recommended it. I'm the wrong person to ask since I don't care about who does it, so long as it gets done. That being said, I watch a lot of shows that Donna covers (and I don't remember seeing y0ur name at the top of the articles I read) and I'm not 100%

But…. But…. FIREFLY

I haven't seen those three shows (well I try to watch Mad Men but something makes me disgusted by it) so when I say that this is the best show on television, I guess I'm agreeing with you. If the finale isn't incredible in every way next week I'll be so disappointed. I haven't felt this excited since the Dark Knight.

The hipster approach to liking a celebrity
Now that it's mainstream to hate her you like her? And you like her only because she does things that you previously found detestable, only because now EVERYONE ELSE finds them so annoying?

Everything Judy Greer
Was flawless this episode. She's the only reason I'm still watching Mad Love.
"he could have gone pro"

The vacum im typing into
has the proper amount of suction


My big issue
is that they had a good plotline going. Chance's former boss/mentor/father, and Baptise. And the book. And how Guererro fit into that, and Katherine Walters. Remember that? All the way back? Because that was good, and worth watching. That was an interseting plotline that they just shoved aside for the

Thanks, I missed that.

I'm not saying she's a good actress, I'm saying as a one episode character meant to be a didsy girl, she did it well. We got the added benefit of things that I enjoy when thinking with my penis. It was nothing special but it wasn't bad enough to be criticized in what was otherwise a terrific episode or at the least,

It was a small role and they just needed a ditzy hot girl to play it. So they got Katy Perry, the less talented bigger breasted Zooey Dechanel to do it. Nothing wrong with that.

Lana's hands
Why were they broken at the end?

B as in BUTTHOLE and M as in MANCY

More fun…
Shows have to evolve. I get that it was better last season, but if they started out with this type of pacing and moved into the older, better version, they would have the fan base to maintain it. Now they have to start over with a more simple accessible version, then move back to the better stuff.

All about the buildup
A standoff between Brennan and Michael is going to be imminent, and I for one can't be more excited. Yeah, this episode was a bit disappointing, but a lot of pre-finale episodes seem to be. I'm just hoping next week is as good as it can be. It's got great potential. Brennan is a fantastic