
I believe THE HOLE is officially being release this fall

I believe THE HOLE is officially being release this fall

I feel like i'm taking crazy pills re: CABIN IN THE WOODSi have to say this is probably the most overrated movie i've seen in a long time.  and this is from someone who is a solid Whedon fan (there are moments in THE AVENGERS as good as any big budget summer movie i've ever seen, both small and large), and a MASSIVE

I feel like i'm taking crazy pills re: CABIN IN THE WOODSi have to say this is probably the most overrated movie i've seen in a long time.  and this is from someone who is a solid Whedon fan (there are moments in THE AVENGERS as good as any big budget summer movie i've ever seen, both small and large), and a MASSIVE

This is a great review.  I refrained from reading it 'til after seeing the movie.  And three days later, i'm full of questions and issues relating to the intent and content of the movie.  (After reading some of the "pro" theories, i'm much more inclined to raise my admiration of the film, though my plot issues with it

This is a great review.  I refrained from reading it 'til after seeing the movie.  And three days later, i'm full of questions and issues relating to the intent and content of the movie.  (After reading some of the "pro" theories, i'm much more inclined to raise my admiration of the film, though my plot issues with it

I like seeing director's cuts, when i have the time, as it's always interesting to note what got cut and why, and was there a whole different vision that was scrapped…

I like seeing director's cuts, when i have the time, as it's always interesting to note what got cut and why, and was there a whole different vision that was scrapped…

Love me some Walter Hill, and I would've loved if this had been good/established a comeback….one would like to think it's Stallone and Hill doing a gritty, 70's/early 80's ballsy, streamlined, gut punch action movie.

Nathan Rabin, get out of my head!

Oh, if only there were a book-on-tape option read aloud by Paul F. Tompkins…

YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON TELEVISION!  I really would love for them to bring that back, but…it seems it's a part of the 80's, and they're focused on the 90's stuff only.  Apparently nostalgia only runs so deep…

Of all the board games (and i would use that term lightly with Ouija, because there have been films based on the board before - Witchboard anyone? - and one would be hard-pressed to call it a game in any strict sense), I did actually think this one could work.  On the other hand….wtf with turning it into a "big family

And yet I'm curious as to what "…into Verhoeven" meant?

A hair TOO Spielbergian…
…but otherwise, I agree wholeheartedly with this review.

This is a GREAT script…
I came across the script and read it; it's terrific.

I actually LOVE "Double Team" - i mean, c'mon….Belloq? pre-comeback Mickey Rourke? Tigers? Blatant cribbing from John Woo movies? Coke machines in the Coliseum that inexplicably save people from explosions? Genius!

I knew it was going to be a film of high class and quality when the first one to go was the Crude and Obnoxious Redneck; because, I mean, what else would you have in your Nascar-set death-cheating movie but a foul-mouthed racist yokel?

A very Tom Clancy online multiplayer video game sequel title
And i apologize if someone already made this reference elsewhere…

yay, Brian!