
Spotify posted a "study" stating that 33 is the age when people stop listening to new music. Being 33 now, my response to this list is mostly "Who the fuck?"

Nope. Quit after ep. 2 of this season.

Many Bothans died, then saw this movie.

I'm sure Joe Blevins knew that when he wrote this article.

Does anyone care about Walking Dead anymore? Really? Anyone? How's Coral doing?

I watch TC on the Bravo App, and the header image for LCK is the two eliminated chefs. This is right below the most recent episode, so I go into it already knowing who was eliminated. So infuriating!

Those are recorders, not flutes *pushes glasses up nose*

#3 oxygen

Oh for fuck's sake…

Just one more day on the force…

"I thought slavery was the most disgusting thing in American History until I tasted your Tuna Sous Vide! Please pack your knives and go."

How do I make the first comment without reading/watching the content? Quick talk about the header image!

I spent the whole episode thinking ?Is that Stannis?"

It's not me with the problem, butter!

"If Trump sells out, it's not our fault."

What a great prize *sarcasm*

Should have vaped. Much smoother for a first timer.

I had a friend who worked in a Chinese Buffet, and the owners would cook "real food" for their Chinese customers. Everyone else got the Americanized version.

Seinfeld? Um, that's Nedry from Jurassic Park!

Stairway to Heaven. Heard for the first time in middle school (mid-90's). There was so much mystery and anticipation surrounding the song, I wish I could experience it again.